Friday, 10 September 2021

Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12

Herds of wild horses

This posting is part 2, the first part was:

Feeding the horses is illegal conduct, it is because wild horses can’t consume human diets such as:

- fruit
- vegetable
- and off course burgers.

These diets have bad effect, and lead to:

- serious health issues
- or even may cause to death to horses.

What stunning me that horses are not evacuated during Dorian hurricane currently. Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane in North Carolina?

Yes, the horses able to ride out the storms.

This skill is inherited from their ancestors since 500 years ago.

Decorative horse head, illustration only

The horses skillful to sense the bad weather such as hurricanes and heavy rains, then they respond by:

- grouping together
- going to higher ground
- finding sturdy trees for protection

Hope, the hurricane is over soon, and everything goes well and safe.

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 9 September 2021

The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 1 - Art 3


Painting of Marla Olmstead.

Marla’s paintings had its own concept compared to her peers, kids.

She was able to brush the canvas with almost the same concept or form consistently.

Her art was abstracts mostly with expressive characteristic of:

- delicate lines
- and enthusiasm dots.

It is indicated that Marla was different and so bold in term to draw lines and dots, then to blend the objects (lines and dots) with a beautiful color composition.

Kids as old as Marla Olmstead, 13 years ago was an 8 year old kid, even with a lot of talent, usually painted or sketched of un-intend objects in which they could be:

- anything
- and any mood at any times.

One of Jackson Pollock’s paintings, well known American artist.

Moreover, their objects are what they observe from surrounding areas, not what in their mind or what they thought.

Hence, these kids tend to paint the real objects than the abstract ones.

Since these kids had physical and psychological development, their painting quality would develop as well.

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous art post:

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 1 – Nature 12


Wild horses on beach, North Carolina

I knew the wild horses are living in the forest or jungle close by mountains. It was surprising me, herds of wild horses wandered on the beach.

They are feeding on wild grass that growing lightly on the sand or sand dunes. Grass looks green and fresh.

The horses, colonial Spanish Mustang have lived on the Outer Banks beach, North Carolina for around 500 years.

Tourists have come to beach not only to observe the horses, but also other purposes:

- warm summer
- beautiful sandy beach
- awesome waves
- spacy place (miles of beach)
- clear ocean waters during summer and fall

What visitors are prohibited to do with wild horses?

An antique brass horse, just for illustration.

In respect to wild horses, visitors are prohibited to:

- pet the horses
- try to ride the horses
- approach the horses at 50 feet distance.

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous posts:

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11

Fig 01- Tree down in our neighborhood

Hurricane Ida with speed of 230 km per hour, called as a category 4 hurricane. Then its traveled to US mainland and our city, Baton Rouge, LA with category 1 storm.

It was mean the wind slow down from 230 km per hour to 155 km per hour. I think this is a strong wind, enough to damage some public and private entities.

Moreover, the causalities of hurricane Ida in our state are following (just few important facts):

+ 10 death (Axios, 2021 reported 13 death in Louisiana)
+ more than 1 million houses and businesses have no electricity
+ more than 14,000 people are displaced
+ flash flood with rain 2 to 3 inches (51 to 76 mm)
+ hit oil industries, caused shortage in gasoline supply. We have no gas for several days.
+ Estimated economic lost between US$ 70 to US$ 80 billion.
+ Ports in the gulf of Mexico are closed.

Fig 02- Branches and leaves scattered everywhere

Fig 03- A big tree hit a house and electric wires

Fig 04- Cutting and cleaning works

Fig 05- Trucks and line men to fix the electric wires

In our neighborhood and city, we saw that hurricane Ida took down:

- electric lines
- trees, especially old and tall trees.

Some house’s roof are damaged and part of city was flooded. We can’t drive in several flooded roads.

We experienced for about 5 days after hurricane Ida:

- power outages
- no internet connection
- no cell phone network (for two days).

Finally, we have a lot of branches and leaves in our yard, and we start to clean our house and yard now.

Monday, 6 September 2021

Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2

Fig 01- Cane river crosses the Natchitoches city

This post is the second part, the first part was:

As the oldest French settlement, many buildings are well maintain. We may find several old building such as:

- townhouses
- basilica
- general mercantile store

The city is small with population of 18 thousand people only. However, there are a lot of interesting things in this town.

What I like are:

- old market
- national park in front Cane river
- foods
- scenery

Fig 02- The oldest shopping mall

Fig 03- Meat pie, special food of town

We may go shopping just by walking to small and old stores in the oldest shopping complex of the city.

As people told me, we should visit at least two stores:

- the oldest mercantile store
- the oldest meat pie restaurant

National park in front of Cane river is calm and beautiful place to enjoy. We may watch attractions in the river if we lucky enough.

Have you visit the oldest French settlements outside Europe?

# Previous posts:

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14

Fig 01- Flowers with violet color

Time fly so fast for some people, but not for others. Busy without stress persons tend to think what was happen 10 or 20 years ago like just yesterday.

Luckily if the people keep their mindset or feeling like they are young or feel forever young, then will obtain many advantages compare to the same age people, but feel they are older.

Scientists from German Centre of Gerontology (News Release from American Psycological Association, 6 May 2021) said that there are a lot of benefits to feel younger, especially for old people.

Yes, this is a “subjective” feeling, but effect is very positive. Several health (physical and mental) gains include:

- less visiting to the hospital
- stronger thinking skills
- less inflammation
- improving well being
- longer lifespan

Fig 02- Sky at night in Baton Rouge, LA

Fig 03- Red flower, illustration only

We might wonder why there is connection between feeling younger and live healthy (longer)?

First, scientist found that stress people, especially to middle age and older persons tend to decline their health.

Then, declining process can be reduced if persons feel they are younger than their true age.

This subjective feeling give some degree of protection and be a kind of stress buffer.

Hence, let’s think younger to live longer and healthier!

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 1

French press coffee maker, just for illustration

You might know that New Orleans as a French city in Louisiana. It was established in 1718.

But, the first settlement was in Natchitoches city in 1714, about 258.2 miles (416 km) from New Orleans.

French has huge territory in America continent, from Canada to Mississippi river to Gulf of Mexico.

Due to some problems to manage territories, include slavery revolution in Haiti, then trigger French authority to sell part of them.

USA government negotiated to buy French territory called as “Louisiana purchase.”

French then sold to the USA in 1803 with price of US$ 15 million for 828,000 square miles area.

It was equal to US$18 per square mile only. Purchasing was considered very cheap on that time.

One of oldest building in the town.

Purchased regions include 15 new states, they are:

- Arkansas
- Missiouri
- Iowa
- Oklahoma
- Kansas
- Colorado
- Louisiana
- Minnesota
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Wyoming.

# To be continued to part 2

Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48

 Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.  Image 01 - Grape tomatoes and peppe...