Tuesday 4 January 2022

Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

In the early January of 2022, it was predicted that winter storm will visit several parts of USA:

- Northwest
- Midwest
- South and Mid Atlantic
- DC areas

Fig 01- Icy during last winter storm

One of reasons is a blast of cold and dry air from northern part of America or Arctic region, then move to the south.

In the south, cold and dry air then mix with:

- warm
- and moisture air

The storm could travel hundred miles, and even reach Gulf of Mexico in deep south states.

Fig 02- Ice covered tree’s twigs

Fig 03- Ice on an ornament plant

Temperature is expected to drop to:

- F below zero or around 17 C minus degree
- so much below the freezing point.

The winter storm might result in more than a one feet snow along its path of movements from North to South.

Since winter storm cause temperature dropping and bring snow, and snow could cover many spots, thus very hazardous to walk or drive in this condition.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. The photos with ice are very beautiful. Here, temperatures below 0 are not yet expected, perhaps in February. At the moment only wind and clouds.
    Take care.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

      In the early January of 2022, it was predicted that winter storm will visit several parts of USA:

      - Northwest
      - Midwest
      - South and Mid Atlantic
      - DC areas

    2. Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  2. Espero que no cause daños personales mi materiales.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- Icy during last winter storm

      One of reasons is a blast of cold and dry air from northern part of America or Arctic region, then move to the south.

      In the south, cold and dry air then mix with:
      - warm
      - and moisture air

      The storm could travel hundred miles, and even reach Gulf of Mexico in deep south states.

    2. Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  3. Feliz año y un fuerte abrazo !!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16
      Fig 03- Ice on an ornament plant

      Temperature is expected to drop to:
      - F below zero or around 17 C minus degree
      - so much below the freezing point.

      The winter storm might result in more than a one feet snow along its path of movements from North to South.

      Since winter storm cause temperature dropping and bring snow, and snow could cover many spots, thus very hazardous to walk or drive in this condition.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 2- Art 3
      - New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 2 - Healthy Life 15
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 1 – Nature 13
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 1
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 2 – Nature 13

    2. Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  4. Que hermosas fotografías, me encantan. Feliz 2022,que se cumplan todos tus sueños. Abrazos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

      In the early January of 2022, it was predicted that winter storm will visit several parts of USA:

      - Northwest
      - Midwest
      - South and Mid Atlantic
      - DC areas

    2. Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  5. The ice is beautiful in the photos, I think it's difficult the day to day in the winter time because of the ice on the paths. Have blessed days.

    1. Indeed.....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- Icy during last winter storm

      One of reasons is a blast of cold and dry air from northern part of America or Arctic region, then move to the south.

      In the south, cold and dry air then mix with:
      - warm
      - and moisture air

      The storm could travel hundred miles, and even reach Gulf of Mexico in deep south states.

    2. Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  6. Useful and important information, thank you. I love the pictures and if it snows I am sure it will be beautiful :)
    Have a wonderful day :)

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16
      Fig 03- Ice on an ornament plant

      Temperature is expected to drop to:
      - F below zero or around 17 C minus degree
      - so much below the freezing point.

      The winter storm might result in more than a one feet snow along its path of movements from North to South.

      Since winter storm cause temperature dropping and bring snow, and snow could cover many spots, thus very hazardous to walk or drive in this condition.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 2- Art 3
      - New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 2 - Healthy Life 15
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 1 – Nature 13
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 1
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 2 – Nature 13

  7. Muito bem!
    Tem de arranjar o tradutor para os leitores!:)
    Sentimentos escondidos na palavras
    Bom Ano. Beijos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  8. Olá amiga!
    As alterações climáticas estão a causar muitos problemas em várias partes do globo, incluindo os Estados Unidos. É uma situação complexa que infelizmente nada se pode fazer.

    Votos de uma excelente semana, com tudo de bom.

    Mário Margaride


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

      In the early January of 2022, it was predicted that winter storm will visit several parts of USA:

      - Northwest
      - Midwest
      - South and Mid Atlantic
      - DC areas

  9. Frío enero. Te deseo un buen año 2022.Vamos a por él.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- Icy during last winter storm

      One of reasons is a blast of cold and dry air from northern part of America or Arctic region, then move to the south.

      In the south, cold and dry air then mix with:
      - warm
      - and moisture air

      The storm could travel hundred miles, and even reach Gulf of Mexico in deep south states.

  10. Espero que estés bien, por acá hace calor, saludos amiga. Que tengas lindo dia de reyes.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16
      Fig 03- Ice on an ornament plant

      Temperature is expected to drop to:
      - F below zero or around 17 C minus degree
      - so much below the freezing point.

      The winter storm might result in more than a one feet snow along its path of movements from North to South.

      Since winter storm cause temperature dropping and bring snow, and snow could cover many spots, thus very hazardous to walk or drive in this condition.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 2- Art 3
      - New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 2 - Healthy Life 15
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 1 – Nature 13
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 1
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 2 – Nature 13

  11. Información importante y fotografías con imágenes fantasticas

    Gracias por llegar a mi blog, deseo de corazón que todos hayamos estado en paz y esperanza
    ( Dios con nosotros)
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

      In the early January of 2022, it was predicted that winter storm will visit several parts of USA:

      - Northwest
      - Midwest
      - South and Mid Atlantic
      - DC areas

  12. Wow very cold there ice, but the photos are so nice

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- Icy during last winter storm

      One of reasons is a blast of cold and dry air from northern part of America or Arctic region, then move to the south.

      In the south, cold and dry air then mix with:
      - warm
      - and moisture air

      The storm could travel hundred miles, and even reach Gulf of Mexico in deep south states.

  13. Lindas imagens.
    Boa moite

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- Icy during last winter storm

      One of reasons is a blast of cold and dry air from northern part of America or Arctic region, then move to the south.

      In the south, cold and dry air then mix with:
      - warm
      - and moisture air

      The storm could travel hundred miles, and even reach Gulf of Mexico in deep south states.

  14. A alteração climatica faz alterações em nosso planeta, aqui é seca ou enchentes.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16
      Fig 03- Ice on an ornament plant

      Temperature is expected to drop to:
      - F below zero or around 17 C minus degree
      - so much below the freezing point.

      The winter storm might result in more than a one feet snow along its path of movements from North to South.

      Since winter storm cause temperature dropping and bring snow, and snow could cover many spots, thus very hazardous to walk or drive in this condition.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 2- Art 3
      - New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 2 - Healthy Life 15
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 1 – Nature 13
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 1
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 2 – Nature 13


The Black Soldier Flies (Hermetia illucens) - Nature 136

The fly is found inside the house. Based on GoogleID, it is suggested the fly is a Black soldier with scientific name Hermetia illucens . Im...