Saturday 31 December 2022

Paintings Exhibition of Local Artists – Art 10

We talked about paintings exhibition from talent students at elementary schools, Baton Rouge at previous post.

Image 1- A dancing woman

You may read the previous post about student’s paintings:

We just saw the painting exhibition from “real artists”, amateur and professional artists of our city, Baton Rouge.

The exhibition was organized by art organization in our city, Baton Rouge called as “Art Guild.”

Image 2- A painting of nature

Actually, the art organization arranges two types of exhibitions:

- nonjury exhibition for all level artists (from beginners to professionals)
- national jury exhibition for recognized artists in the city or state

Image 3- Pots and a cup

Uniquely, in the “non-jury exhibition,” we as visitors are asked to vote for the best painting. Then, the top two winners will get rewards from organization.

What kinds of painting exhibitions are there in your areas or places?

# Previous postings:

Thursday 29 December 2022

White Hominy Pearls Tossed with Coconut Shreds – Part 2 – Food 32

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- White Hominy Pearls Tossed with Coconut Shreds – Part 1 – Food 32

Image 1- A Mexican style of Canned hominy

This weekend, I just stay home, love in my “small bubble,” then enjoy reading several books and doing little cooking at kitchen.

I cook my own snack. I would like to share with you my special sweet snack recipe. It can be a snack or an appetizer.

Do you Wonder what is it?

It is white hominy pearls covered with coconut shreds. A kind of a sweet food from white maize or known as field corn too.

Image 2- White flowers, illustration only

The taste of hominy is heavenly, I believe. Sometimes, I cook chicken soups with adding of hominy or posoles.

Image 3- Popcorn, just illustration

Many times, I make hominy porridge with sweet condensed milk and or coconut milk. I also like to add hominy in my salads.

# To be continued to Part 3

## Previous postings:

Tuesday 27 December 2022

Kumquat is a Little Orange in the Neighborhood – Food 34

We talked about sweet Tangerine at our yard at previous post:

- The Rainbow Before Evening : Sweet Tangerine at Backyard – Food 26

Image 1- Plenty of Kumquat fruit

There is fruit belong to one of our neighbors, a little orange called Kumquat. Oval or around shape with diameter about 1 inch (2.5 cm).

Kumquat came from China and grow very well in the USA. Main states which produce this fruit are:

- Florida
- California
- Alabama
- and Louisiana

Image 2- A Kumquat tree and its fruit

Kumquat has four main species, they are Hong Kong Kumquat, Nagami, Marumi and Meiwa. Unfortunately, I don’t know which one belongs to my neighbor.

General speaking that both Kumquat and Tangerine are sweet. Then, what are different between our Tangerine and a neighbor’s Kumquat?

Image 3- Kumquat, sold in Walmart grocery

Here they are:

- to eat Tangerine, we must peel its skin, then we consume the flesh of fruit
- no need to peel the skin, because sugar concentrates mainly in the skin. We eat whole fruit of Kumquats.

Do you know Kumquat oranges? Have you ever consumed them?

# Previous postings:

Sunday 25 December 2022

Temperature Drop to Minus but No Snow – Science 31

Temperature is quite strange in our area, swing too huge, from plus C 28* (F 83*) last week to C -7* (F 19) degree in the last few days.

Image 1- Last snow in our area, 2017

Back to last year, we saw our bird drinking water was frozen in our backyard, but no snow fell down at all.

Yes, there was reported of snow in our state, Louisiana but our city, Baton Rouge got winter storm and frozen temperature only.

I don’t think that was snow. Our city was pouring with sleet and freezing rain. Winter storm caused blackout in our neighborhood in 2021.

Image 2- Frozen during last year winter, 2021

As far as I remember that a reasonable “thick” snow fall happened five years ago or in 2017.

Image 3- “Thick snow” in 2017

Based on record, our city experienced snow fall in the following years (just several recent years): in 2017, 2010 and in 2008.

The reason no snow even though temperature below zero degree Celsius is that there is less moisture in the air to form snowfalls

In fact, snow tend to form when temperature between C 0* (zero) to C +2* degrees.

How about in your areas?

# Previous postings:

Thursday 22 December 2022

Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 2 – Science 28

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 1 – Science 28

Image 1- Colorful sands, illustration

Then, I distinguished the causes that lead to dysfunction of the heart, so I can recognize the clinical manifestations of shock such as thirst and agitation or restlessness; those lead to hypotension is followed by the characteristic signs of compensation (understanding level):

- cool, moist, pale skin
- tachycardia
- and oliguria

Image 2- Strange type of pumpkin, illustration

Moreover, based on clinical manifestation that vasoconstriction shunts blood from the viscera and skin to the vital areas.

Image 3- White azalea, illustration

Then the direct effects of a decrease in blood pressure and blood flow become manifest by lethargy, weakness, dizziness, and a weak pulse.

I recommend the diagnosis should be done to determine shock: Blood studies, ECG, chest X-ray, hemodynamic monitoring (applying level).

# To be continued to Part 3

## Previous postings:

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Why do We rarely Spot White Doves in Nature? - Science 30

I don’t know whether I have seen a wild dove or not. I do believe that I saw domestic doves only.

Image 1- A white dove on the ground

They are raised by someone and business for pets purposes, and for commercial or profits goals.

Some small private companies provide “release services” of white doves for occasions in our city. The occasions include:

- wedding
- funeral
- and other specific events

Image 2- We saw doves at this tree sometimes

Back to the question Why do We rarely Spot White Doves in Nature?

First, white dove is albino which happen very rare in nature. Then the white color is easy target for predators.

Image 3- A white dov, illustration

Hence, its is understandable that we highly probably doesn’t observe this wild critter in nature.

Moreover, there are several species of doves in our state. 4 species are seen commonly in our neighborhood: Eurasian collared doves, white wings doves, ringed turtle doves and mourning doves.

Have you seen wild albino doves in nature?

# Previous postings:

Sunday 18 December 2022

Mediterranean Diet and Alzheimer's Prevention – Part 3 - Alzheimer's 11

You may read previous posts (Part 1 and 2):

- Mediterranean Diet and Alzheimer's Prevention – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 11

- Mediterranean Diet and Alzheimer's Prevention – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 11

Image 1- Brain health of book part.

Dr. Marwan Sabbagh is medical doctor who practicing in geriatric dementia. He worked with the talented chef Beau MacMilan, a Food Network star.

Chef MacMillan created and developed the do-able recipes by using the brain-boosting ingredients.

Besides Mediterranean diet recipes, the book also include Vitamin B-rich recipes and Folate-rich recipes for cognitive health.

High-spice recipes, brain-boosting juices, green-tea treats to get antioxidants into diet.

Image 2- Walking path, illustration

Image 3- Blue sea crab, illustration only

Turmeric, cinnamon, and berry recipes to prevent inflammation. Many fishes (seafoods) recipes to get good fats.

So, about 100 recipes in this book that created from many kind of brain-boosting ingredients and super food for brain.

The recipes for brain health include drinks, breakfasts, main dishes, salads and soups, also snacks and starters.

# Previous postings:

Thursday 15 December 2022

The Tabasco Pepper Plant in the Yard – Food 33

We use Tabasco pepper for cooking purposes frequently, especially for certain traditional foods. As you know, it makes our food tastes spicy.

Image 1- Fruit of Tabasco pepper

Some people grow Tabasco pepper as a garden plant in our neighborhood. Fruit looks pretty with several colors, depend on its maturity:

- red
- orange
- green

First, peppers start with green color, then turn to be orange. The most ripen Tabasco pepper is red.

Image 2- A Sunflower and several Tabasco pepper fruit

Image 3- The Tabasco sauce, sold in Walmart grocery

Image 4- Cardinal Loves to consume Tabasco

Process of color changes from green to orange and to red takes more than two months, about 80 days.

Moreover, our state has sauce made of Tabasco pepper. The brand called as “Tabasco.” It is quite popular in our state and even in some foreign countries.

I was not aware that people said Tabasco pepper sauce become hotter over times. Quite surprising for me, actually.

Have you tasted Tabasco pepper or Tabasco pepper sauce? What do you think?

# Previous posting:

Tuesday 13 December 2022

Brain Changes during Reproduction Process – Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 2

Body requires adaptation during pregnancy for offspring’s demand by modification behavior of emotional and foraging.

Image 1- Areas of amygdala and hippocampus (credit to Google)

Many animals such as Deer mouse of California with scientific name Peromyscus californicus have experienced parenting neuroplasticity until late adulthood,

Unexpectedly, these experiences happen to both male and female even though male never got pregnancy.

Brain plasticity during reproduction period in animals has multiple purposes either relate to baby directly or not.

Image 2- Christmas decoration, illustration

Few examples of brain plasticity with relate between parents to their baby include:

- sensitivity to baby’s odors.
- to care of offspring

Image 3- A house decoration at our neighborhood

However, parents for some animals to adapt long-fasting, a kind of Ramadhan fasting. Sure, they will loss weight, but improve some their physiology conditions.

Image 4- Street in the morning, illustration

Other critters have developed their brain plasticity during reproduction process:

- to protect memory deficits
- to improve of maternal visual system

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous postings:

Friday 9 December 2022

A Pheasant in Neighborhood – Nature 45

Quite surprising that we met with a pheasant when we were walking in our neighborhood area recently.

Image 1- A pheasant, lonely

Morning walking or jogging for 35 minutes is our routines, almost daily. Sure, we encounter a lot of critters.

It was the first time to see a pheasant. Since this critter is normally a wild animal, and it should be live in areas such as:

- farmlands with multiple crops
- woodland edges
- brushy meadows
- and open areas

Image 2- Amaryllis flowers

Image 3- Decoration at neighborhood

We assumed some people must be raising this critter close by. People raise pheasants for several purposes: just for pets, a source of food, and return their back to nature.

In case of introducing to the wild, the pheasants then for hunting purposes. It is quite popular in several parts of America.

Have you seen a pheasant? Where?

# Previous postings:

Satsumas are Turning to a Brownish Color - Food 45

We have a Satsuma tree at our backyard, the tree is about 15 years old,   it has produced really pretty satsumas every year, Image 01 - Bro...