Tuesday 31 May 2022

Tea Made of Hibiscus Flowers

We knew Hibiscus flowers could be processed to be tea, but we never seen its sold commercially in the market.

Image 1- A package of hibiscus tea

When we visit Mexican store a couple weeks ago, we saw the Hibiscus tea in the small plastic packages.

The waitress said that tea made of Jamaican flowers, flowers from a Caribbean country. So, it is mean the grocery imported those tea.

Price is quite cheap compare to other tea sold in other American groceries such as Walmart and Whole Foods Market.

Image 2- A pink Hibiscus flower in the garden

Image 3- Yellow flower at a yard

Image 4- Several packs of Hibiscus tea.

Just for comparison, price of teas per 8 oz (227 gram) in groceries of our city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana:

- Hibiscus tea is US$ 4.29 per 8 oz
- others tea is US$ 12.80 per 8 oz

We drink hot hibiscus tea, and love sweet cranberry flavor. Other flavors, just few are:

- spicy
- fruity
- and sour

# Previous postings:

Sunday 29 May 2022

Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25

We have talk about very rare visiting of Rose breasted grosbeak in our neighborhood:

- Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23

Image 1- Rose breasted grosbeak sitting on feeder.

As you might know that Rose breasted grosbeak has “quite big size of beak” compared to other birds with similar size. Hence, the birds have ability to consume larger food items.

Wild Bird Unlimited (2022) reported that more than 50% of Rose breasted grosbeak come from larger insects such as:

- crickets
- grasshoppers
- and other insects

Image 2- Pink Caladium in the pot

Image 3- Sunflower at the neighbor garden

Image 4- Rose breasted grosbeak at a neighbor’s feeder

Sure, in backyard of our neighborhood, this “big beak” bird love to eat seed, any kind of seeds.

In nature, in addition to insects, the bird consumes fruit and seed. The favorite seeds are:

- sunflower
- safflower seeds
- weed seeds and peanuts.

Have you ever feed Rose breasted grosbeak in your yards? What kind of food do you provide the bird?

# Previous postings:

Friday 27 May 2022

Why are We Getting Obese Nowadays? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 20

The fact that Americans are getting obese and obesity generally, whether they are:

- kids
- teenagers
- or adults.

Graph 01- Obesity among younger increase over time.

These data are recorded for more than 50 years in respect to ages and sexes differences.

Data for kids and teenagers were taken several times from period of 1963 to 2014 (please see Graph 01).

In case of adults, both women and men tend to obese. But women more obese than men since 1960.

The data continue to periods of 2013 to 2014 as shown on Graph 02 at below.

Graph 02 – Increasing of obesity between men and women

Image- White azalea, blooming

Surprisingly that the following facts are not changes or static or almost the same for 50 years:

- Eating the same amount of food
- Doing the same amount of physical exercises.

Surprisingly, in average, Americans consume the same quantities of:

- calories
- fat and protein

The question then why are We getting obese nowadays?

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24

I just know, plenty flowers blooming more than one in a season. One of them is Delphiniums, also called as Blue Mirror.

The scientific name is a Delphinium elatum, perennial flower.

Image 1- Blue Mirror is blooming.

Blue Mirror always get first blooming in early summer, and blooming again in late summer or early fall.

The color quite beautiful; violet – blue. Flowers could reach 10 inches (25 cm). Look sweet in the garden.

Europe is origin of flowers. They commonly found from southern parts of Europe to Siberia.

Image 2- Some blooming, others not yet

Image 3- Love to see flowers blooming

In addition to Blue Mirror, other flowers which blooming twice a year are many, here some of them:

- Russian Sage, Ice plant
- Salvia, Yarrow
- Beebalm, Echinacea
- Astible, Icelandic poppies and etc

Finally, all flowers genus Delphinium are poisonous both to human and animals. All parts of flowers are poison, include seed. Toxicity may lead to bloat, respiratory failure and even to death.

# Previous postings:

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Countries which Export Coconut to America

I believe you know that coconut grow well in tropical regions, hence, coconut producers come from hot temperature countries.

Coconuts with scientific name Cocos nucifera are easily to find in America groceries. Where do they come from?

Image 1- Coconut with shell sold in the USA groceries

Tropical countries known well for growing coconut trees are located in South East Asia, include:

- Thailand
- Malaysia
- Philippine
- and Indonesia.

Moreover, Brazil is the largest coconut producer from Latin America.

Image 2- A coconut tree with fruits

USA import US$ 34 million coconut per year. Most coconuts in the USA are coming from Latin America.

Image 3- Juice in the young coconut.

The countries or regions or territories which export coconuts to America:

- Cuba
- Latin America (central America countries)
- Pacific islands
- Puerto Rico

Image 4- Coconut fruit

However, coconuts are growing in the USA too. Two states have coconut trees are:

- Hawaii
- and Florida.

Hence, it is not difficult to find coconut and some of its products in the USA, include in our state, Louisiana.

I saw the biggest retail in America, Walmart has sold coconuts for sometimes, but I always buy them in ethnic groceries such as Mexico and Asian shops.

Have your countries grown coconut trees?

# Previous postings:

Sunday 22 May 2022

Do You Know American Native Ginseng?

I thought ginseng is a Korean product only, because I guessed that the plant grows very well there.

Recently, I know the plants grows in America, include Canada too. What are different between American and Korean ginseng?

Image 1- Roots of American ginseng, sold in Amazon.

Here are some simple different between an American and a Korean ginseng:

1) The American ginseng

- Panax quinquefolius, scientific name
- it is usually used when hot temperature conditions

2) The Korean ginseng

- Panax ginseng, scientific name
- suitable during cold weather.

Image 2- A tall trees, just for illustration

Image 3- Gardenia flowers at yard

Image 4- An American ginseng plant (credit to The Spruce)

Plants of American ginseng have grown wildly in the forests. They love the areas such as rich soil and dense shade.

The plant is one of American native plants. We may find wild ginseng in several states:

- South Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Georgia
- and Canada (Quebec and Ontario)

Do You Know of American Native Ginseng? And Have you tasted it?

# Previous postings:

Friday 20 May 2022

Local Property Tax for Funding Our City Transport System

We talked about transport systems in the city of Baton Rouge where funding comes from several include local property tax:

- The Rainbow Before Evening : CATS Transport System in Our City Baton Rouge, LA

Image 1- Electric bus (credit to Fuels Fix)

Local Property Tax is a tax of resident properties in the city or state. Our city property tax is quite lower, 0.61% only.

Previously, commuter in Baton Rouge was operated by private company, Railway and Lighting Company with mule-driven trolley cars, then upgraded with electric cars.

From pure private company evolved to current system. The name changes as well, namely “from the Baton Rouge Bus Company to Metro Transit to the present-day Capital Area Transit System.”

Image 2- One of streets in the morning

Image 3- No passengers yet

Since 1999, CATS served for people almost every day in a year. Available:

- seven (7) days a week
- and 363 days a year

I myself take CATS sometimes. I love to hear the conversations between passengers, topics could be anything:

- from politics to economy
- from social to current events in the city
- and to private things.

In addition, there are a lot of jokes and funny things.

# Previous postings:

Wednesday 18 May 2022

GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 2 – Reading 10

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- The Rainbow Before Evening : GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10

Image 1- Women's right Champions Nadia Murad. the Noble Peace Prize 2018.

There are 103 women from the old time to the last young girl. All of 103 women divided into 11 categories (chapters).

In the first chapter, Early inspirations, started with women the most inspire them Dorothy Rodham and Virginia Kelly, both are Chelsea grandmothers.

Followed by Harriet Tubman who lived in shadow of constant violence, cruelty, and racism.

Image 2- Colorful of flowers

She was a part of Underground Railroad and she is credited with bringing hundred of slaves to freedom.

Image 3- Colorful painting

In the chapter Education Pioneers, there are many of them, the first one is Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz from Mexico (at the time Mexico was a part of Spain),

Image 4- Yellow flowers bloom

In the chapter of Earth Defenders, one the most interesting is a very young girl Greta Thunberg.

Image 5- Pride of Barbados bloom

The Healers: Besides Nightingale and Betty Ford in this interesting chapter, there are also:

- Dr. Gao Yaojie, a retired Chinese gynecologist
- obstetrician-gynecologist Dr Hawa Abdi from Somalia
- Flossie Wong-Staal, Chinese molecular biologist.

In the chapter of Storytellers, there are 7 women, e.g. Maya Angelou, Mary Beard, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi, Ali Stoker, Amani Al-Khatahbeh.

The last chapter is Women's Right Champions. The last persons wrote by Hillary, Nadia Murad. the Noble Peace Prize 2018.

# Previous postings:

Satsumas are Turning to a Brownish Color - Food 45

We have a Satsuma tree at our backyard, the tree is about 15 years old,   it has produced really pretty satsumas every year, Image 01 - Bro...