Tuesday 30 November 2021

Could Botulinum Toxin be Turned to Beneficial Substance? - Part 2 – Science 10

You may read the previous post (Part 1): Could Botulinum Toxin be Turned to Beneficial Substance? - Part 1 – Science 10

We may find Botulinum toxin in many kinds of foods such as preserved vegetables, fish (processing or preserved) and meat products.

Fig 01- A processing food, illustration

There are plenty of preserved vegetables in the market, several of them such as:

- green beans
- spinach
- mushrooms
- and beets

Examples of fish (processing or preserved):

- canned tuna,
- fermented
- salted and smoked fish

Fig 02- Mushroom is ready to cook

Fig 03- Salt fish on the plate

Fig 04- Fermented food, illustration

Fig 05- Preserved vegetable.

Few meat products such as:

- ham
- and sausage.

This toxin can cause:

1) seizure and dead
- because it impacts nervous system.

2) flaccid paralysis that leads to respiratory failure

- because diaphragm muscle, and muscle related to breathing process becomes weak and paralyze.

# To be continued to Part 3

## Previous postings:

Monday 29 November 2021

Can a Poet be a Millionaire? - Art 4

All of us might know that the list of richest men in the world come from background of businessmen, entrepreneurs and even inventors

We possibly hear or be asked the simple question from common people around the corners.

Fig 01- Magnolia blooming, illustration

Can a Poet be a Millionaire?

The surprising answer is YES!

Then how?

By selling a poem or poems through:

- auction at Christie
- online such as an Amazon eBook platform
- magazines and literally journals

Arch Hades, 29, British poet, sold her poem at Christie in the USA recently with fantastic price.

US$ 525,000 for a single poem with tittle Arcadia.

This is the highest cost of poet at all time.

Fig 02- Louise penny, a Canadian author, illustration

Fig 03- Pepper jelly, illustration

Fig 04- Arch Hades, one of richest poets
(credit to Austin Macauley Publishers)

Moreover, Arch Hades poems based on her own experience from her boarding school times to her married to her career.

All joyful, sadness and heartache are mixed together.

Arcadia, the most expensive poem contains 102 lines with 1,000 words describe about:

- reflection of life
- pain and sorrow in loneliness
- anxiety through days

# Previous postings:

Saturday 27 November 2021

A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5

Fig 01- Books for illustration only

You may read previous postings (Part 1):

7) Repairing abandoned houses

- reached target based on schedule within 1,000 days for 1,000 homes.

8) Almost triple permit in term of values.

- in the first term, permits values for construction projects increasing from US$69 millions to US$190 millions.

9) Raising pay

- city workers got increasing pay per hour

10) Growth of Latino population

- from almost zero to 15% of city population.
- Buttigieg able to communicate in Spanish

Then he became a rising star since he decided to enter the Democratic Party Presidential race in the beginning of 2020.

Fig 02- One of old properties

The New York Times revealed about him: “The first openly gay major Presidential Candidate”.

Fig 03- One of resident homes

Exactly. He is millennial. He is gay, and he is married.

Fig 04- Tall tree in the yard of resident home.

In a perfect moment, when he launched his presidential campaign, he introduced his honored husband, Chasten, to the public.

Fig 05- Chasten Buttigieg (Credit: Pete Buttigieg)

Chasten is always ready on his side, embrace him, and hug him.

With Pete, Chasten feels so loved. In this book, he tells us about his life, his love, and his married.

He talks about his personal life and love in a straightforward way, very easy to follow and understand. He confesses about his feeling at the first moment met his husband.

Reading this book, I felt like I am listening my best friend talking to me who is a warm, funny, and honest human being.

# Previous postings:

Thursday 25 November 2021

Could Botulinum Toxin be Turned to Beneficial Substance? - Part 1 – Science 10

Fig 01- Honey can be contaminated by botulinum toxin bacteria

I'm still excited about botulinum toxin, since I know that botulinum toxin is a potent and deadly substance.

This substance produced by a kind of a rod bacteria that can exist in low or free oxygen, Clostridium botulinum.

Bacteria are very common throughout the world, they could be found in samples or contaminate of:

- water
- soil
- canned foods
- honey

It was many years ago, especially in the under developing countries, the toxin was a killer that hard to overcome.

Clostridium botulinum release toxin that able to kill human.

What are the symptoms of this toxin?

Fig 02- A traditional dish

Fig 03- A drink with chia seed

Fig 04- Meat products could be contaminated by bacteria.

The early of symptoms of this Botulinum lethal toxin could be many, but some of them are:

- fatigue
- weak
- blurry eyes
- and vertigo.

Following by difficult to swallow and speak, also vomiting and diarrhea or constipation.

Then it can radiate to weakness in the neck and arms, and muscle in lower part of body.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Wednesday 24 November 2021

A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 1 – Reading 5

Fig 01- A memoir of Chasten.

Chasten Buttigieg is husband of Pete Buttigieg.

So, who is Pete Buttigieg?

Pete Buttigieg is US Secretary of Transportation under current Biden’s administration.

He was a US army veteran and former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

As a mayor from 2012 to 2020, Pete Buttigieg has succeeded to rebuild the South Bend city.

Some of his legacies are:

1) Stop shrinking city population due to many people fleeing the city

- population has been increased from 101,000 in 2010 to be 109,000 in 2020.

2) Reducing unemployment rate

- from 10% in 2012 to be below 4% in 2020

3) Booster business communities

- city has been developed so fast for business purposes

Fig 02- A city in America

Fig 03- Rose at backyard

Fig 04 – Pumpkins at farmer market

Fig 05- A pet on the street of American community

4) Creating affordable housings

- help poor communities to own a house
- give loan for repairing to whoever own houses

5) Increasing shelter capacity

- help homeless residents

6) Help neighborhood merchants

- these merchants are important, not only to support neighborhood but also big business such as new hotels.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Monday 22 November 2021

Annual Christmas Parade in Our Neighborhood

Fig 01- A float at our neighborhood parade several years ago

Our city, Baton Rouge, have a lot of parades and festivals from January to December every year.

Some of the parades are:

- Mardi Gras
- Krewe of Oshum
- Annual Christmas parade
- Columbus day
- St Patrick day

You may read posting about Mardi Gras parade and its relate activities at previous postings:

Fig 02- A street at neighborhood

Our neighborhood through residents’ association administers annual Christmas parade.

Fig 03- A corner of town

Whoever may participate in the parade:

- no fee
- donate US$22 for portion of mandatory parade insurance.

Fig 04- Residents preparing for parade several years ago.

Parade routes just short distant, about 1.9 miles (3.km). Circling our neighborhood areas.

Fig 05- Just for illustration

Parade starts at 10.00 AM and complete promptly around noon, if weather conditions are good.

Fig 06- Wooden ginger man, illustration

Some parts of parade and festival area:

- floats
- cars
- music
- and other entertainment.

Interestingly, participants may rent a float with 25% discount price through our neighborhood association.

Have your neighborhoods organized any parades or festivals?

# Previous postings:

Saturday 20 November 2021

Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

Fig 01- Illustration of a shopping cart

You may read previous posting (part 1):

Programs provide watching live events around us, state wide, nationally and even internationally.

We are also connecting to social medias include:

- blogger
- Facebook
- twitter
- Instagram
- Youtube
- TikTok
- Pinterest
- Snapchat
- and others.

Fig 02- Food with some fat content.

These activities may categorized as “sedentary,” and disturbing exercises of:

- running
- jogging
- and walking

Fig 03- Variety of cheese

It is because we are busy to check:

- messages
- taking photos
- and sending photos to social medias

Fig 04- Grocery at a shopping center

The question then: Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat?

The simple answer is yes!


Fig 05- Chocolate at a grocery

The reasons that texting and internet connecting cell phone prompt people to:

- Deviate from their shopping list.
- Tend to buy hedonistic products that unrelated to lists
- Tend to buy more, and tend to forget from original lists.

Fig 06- A corner at a shopping center.

Now days, the shopping malls may send distract messages to your smartphone to buy their attractive products.

If you are trapped by their interesting offers with discount sometimes, then you might ignore your own list.

It is suggested that you executed your plan first, then you may use your mobile phone later on.

What do you thinks?

# Previous postings:

Satsumas are Turning to a Brownish Color - Food 45

We have a Satsuma tree at our backyard, the tree is about 15 years old,   it has produced really pretty satsumas every year, Image 01 - Bro...