Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Thursday 11 July 2024

The Black Soldier Flies (Hermetia illucens) - Nature 136

The fly is found inside the house. Based on GoogleID, it is suggested the fly is a Black soldier with scientific name Hermetia illucens.

Image 01 - The Black soldier fly.

The flies live well in the humid climate regions such as our state, Louisiana. They are excellent decomposers.

Their larvae are voracious to many kinds of materials (organic matters) such as:
food (kitchen) scraps
- manure
- rotting flesh of dead animals.

Hence, the larvae voracity potentially to break down waste, and then convert it into valuable nutrients.  

Image 02 - The fly is crawling

Louisiana State University (LSU) has studied the potential use of black soldier flies in production of animal feed, waste management and production of biofuel.

Image 03 - Head of the Black soldier fly.

Do you recognize this kind of fly?

# Previous postings:

Friday 31 May 2024

Blooming of Gloriosa Lilly - Nature 135

Temperature is getting higher, more than 85* F (30* C) in our areas, hence it is good time for tropical origin flowers to bloom.

Image - Blooming of Gloriosa Lilly

Gloriosa Lily, one of the flowers which is native to tropical areas such as Asia and southern Africa, blooming in our state, Louisiana nowadays. 

This lily has multiple common names. some of them are:
- cat's claw 
- tiger's claw
- flame lily
- fire lily
- creeping lily
- glory lily
- climbing lily

This ornamental plant is well loved for its vibrant flowers that comes with many colors include yellow, red, orange and pink.

Have you seen this flower in your area?

# Previous postigs:

Saturday 18 May 2024

The Injured Turtle in the Flower Bed - Nature 134

We found the injured turtle in our flower bed few days ago. Poor turtle. That one may be too badly injured but it shouldn't suffer.

Image 01 - The injured turtle 

Obviously, the turtle can still crawl, and the turtle still pokes his out of his shell, so still alive.

It is a small turtle. You might wonder why the critter in flower's bed, it is because the critter eats:
- flowers
- vegetables
- and fruit.

First, we contacted Fish and Wildlife department, but no respond.

Image 02 - The red rose, blooming

# Important postings:

Image 03 - Day Lily in the early Summer

Then we called LSU small animal hospital and an exotic pet vet, unfortunately we have not heard back from them.

Finally, an animal rescue and rehab gave some recommendations:
1) 90% of the time the best thing to do is let an animal heal on its own.
2) Protect from ants and house-flies.
3) Provide water and food and shade.

Image 04 - The flowerbed, late Spring

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

Saturday 4 May 2024

Peggy Martin Roses - Nature 133

Born from resilience, the 'Peggy Martin' rose, also nicknamed the "Katrina rose," boasts an inspiring story, survived the devastating Hurricane Katrina decades ago.

Image 01 - Pink roses, Peggy Martin

The Peggy Martin Rose exemplifies the characteristics of a climbing rose. It is a robust grower, capable of reaching heights of 15 feet or more. 

Its vigorous growth and stunning blooms make it a popular choice for trellises, fences, and garden walls.

Some other reasons the people love Peggy Martin roses are:
- pink color with blooming in the Spring and Fall
- heat tolerant and cold-hardy
- diseases resistant.

Image 02 - Peggy Martin roses, pink color

# Important postings:

Image 03 - Climbing on the fences

Finally, known for their easy care, Peggy Martin roses flourish with a boost from compost and organic rose food.

Image 04 - Roses on the grown. 

Do you know about Peggy Martin roses?

## Previous postings:

Sunday 21 April 2024

The Squirrel with two-toned fur - Nature 132

We have two previous postings about squirrels: a little squirrel in her nest and four weeks old baby squirrel. 

Image 01 - A squirrel with two tones.

You may read the two previous postings:

Based on internet sources, the squirrels with two toned furs are in good health, and there's no cause for alarm.

If you come across squirrels sporting two-toned furs in any places (parks or gardens), these bicolored squirrels can enjoy just as lengthy and robust lives as their monochromatic counterparts.

Image 02 - A two-toned fur, just playing. 

# Important postings:

Image 03 - A brown squirrel.

At least there are 3 possibilities of squirrels with two-tones:
1) Mismarking
It’s not uncommon to see squirrels with a patch of fur that differs in color from the rest of their coat. Mismarking can result from various factors, such as genetics, injury, or illness.

2) Parasites
Occasionally, mites or fungal infections can lead to patchy fur loss in squirrels, resulting in a dual-colored appearance.

3) Piebald
Piebald squirrels exhibit a rare genetic trait resulting in patches of pigmentation loss. These squirrels can display various color combinations, although gray and black fur is the most frequent occurrence.

Image 04 - A squirrel, playing on the grass.

## Previous postings:

Saturday 13 April 2024

The Bees Pollinating Morning Glory Flowers - Nature 131

Morning glory is a common plant seen in our areas. Interestingly, the flowers attract many pollinators. 

Fig 01 - A bee pollinating a flower.

Since the blossoms are rich in sweet nectar and brightly flowers colors, make bees attract to come to Morning Glory plant. 

Other various pollinators include:
- butterflies
- hummingbirds
- and many insects

Flowers with trumped-shaped are perfect for pollination. As the pollinators dive for a sugary reward, it helps the flower reproduce by picking up pollen. 

Fig 02 - A bee picking up pollen.

# Important postings:

Fig 03 - A gate to the garden, illustration 

Moreover, as the bees fly to different morning glory flowers, they transfer pollen, leading to fertilizing the flowers and allowing them to produce seeds.

Fig 04 - The bee just landing.

Do you know about Morning Glory Flowers?

## Previous postings:


Saturday 30 March 2024

A Female only Needs to Mate once in Life - Nature 130

The Spring season means mosquitos season in our southern state, Louisian. Higher temperatures make them so active. 

Image 01 - A mosquito (credit to Google). 

We are struggling to mow the lawn, and it seems our neighbors are having the same trouble. 

It is because we are breathing and swallowing these small critters at our backyard or outdoors. 

When open the front door, the mosquitoes attack our eyes and about 5 to 10 of them comes into house.

The fact makes me surprising that female mosquitoes store sperm from a single mating and use it to fertilize eggs throughout their lifespan.

Image 02 - Blooming at neighborhood

# Previous postings:

Image 03 - Multiple flowers, blooming.

A female mosquito can lay between 50 and 500 eggs in her first batch. While subsequent batches may have fewer eggs, a single female can produce up to 10 batches throughout her life. Her lifespan can reach up to 5 months.

Image 04 - Our neighborhood's corner.

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

Sunday 24 March 2024

Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129

We have talked briefly about a fox crossing street at our neighborhood recently at previous posting. 

Image 01 - A fox, sitting on the street.

You may read the previous post:

What our neighbors (common people) wonder that foxes didn't consume pets, then, what their main diets?

Based on internet sources that in their eating habits, foxes are adaptable to consume whatever food is easily accessible. Foxe don't usually eat "meat," they eat berries and variety of bugs.

Image 02 - Wild fruit at neighborhood

# Important posts:

Image 03 - Colorful flowers

Yes, foxes hunt on frogs, worms, insects and small mammals (rodents and rabbits). 

We believe the foxes around our neighborhoods are mothers searching for foods for their kits. Their habitats are disappearing to build houses.

Image 4 - A mother of fox, searching for food,

What do you think?

# Previous postings:


Sunday 10 March 2024

The Spring is Coming around Here - Nature 128

 The temperature going up to around F 68* (20* C) and flowers are blooming, it is mean that Spring is coming in our areas. 

Image 01 - Red Chinese Fringe flowers.

One of favorite flowers is Red Chinese Fringe flower with scientific name, Loropetalum chinense

The other common names for this flower are:
- Strap flower
Chinese witch hazel
Chinese fringe flowers
- Pink fringe flower
- Loropetalium.

Image 02 - The plant of Red Chinese Fringe

# Important postings:

Image 03 - A road, illustration. 

The flower original to Far East Asia (China and Japan) and SouthEast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand)

Image 04 - Another blooming flower.

Many people love Red Chinese Fringe plants because of their attractive foliage and colorful flowers.

Image 05 - Beautiful red flowers.

Do you know of Red Chinese Fringe flowers?

## Previous postings:

Tuesday 5 March 2024

A Grasshopper on the Leaves of Gardens - Nature 127

There are plenty of grasshopper species found in our areas. Based on internet sources, there are at least 45 species. 

Image 01 - Grasshopper in action.

We capture a grasshopper in a garden, based on identification from GoogleID, the machine offered two possibilities of species:
1) A Caroline locust
- has a scientific name, Dissosteira carolina.
- they are not major pest but may damage vegetations or gardens.

2) A Gray bird grasshopper
- a scientific name, Schistocerca nitens.
- are found in our areas, Baton Rouge, LA.

Image 02 - A species of Grasshopper. 

# Important postings:

Image 03 - Cotton candy, illustration.

However, there are 4 (four) most common grasshoppers that are found in our city, Louisiana.  

Image 04 - A grasshoppers tried to escape. 

The 4 most common grasshoppers are:
- Easter lubber grasshopper.
- Differential grasshopper.
- Carolina locust.
- Dichromorpha viridis.

Image 05 - Wild flowers, illustration.

Carolina locust is suggested by GoogleID as one of two species from our images. The species may be found fields, grasslands and meadows. 

Image 06 - Is it Carolina locust? 

Do you know species of grasshopper in your areas?

## Previous postings:

The Black Soldier Flies (Hermetia illucens) - Nature 136

The fly is found inside the house. Based on GoogleID, it is suggested the fly is a Black soldier with scientific name Hermetia illucens . Im...