Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts

Friday 2 February 2024

The Girl with Yellow Skirt – Part 2 – Reading 14

 You may read the previous posting (Part 1):

Image 1 - Book cover of Lemon.

Her mother feels the same, pain and regret. She blames herself about to change name, she wants her name to change back to the first time she named her daughter, Hye-eun. 

She went to court, but the court gave back millions of won (Korean $$$), because the court cannot change the name for deceased. 

Crying and sobbing, she left the court, and she changed her daughter’s name in her own way. In the ending chapter, the readers were drawn about her other “weird” way to satisfy her griefs.

Image 02 - Content of book, Lemon.

# Important postings:

Image 03 - A corner of traditional market, illustration.

Da-an does not believe God, but she believes poetry. Then she does not believe God, but she never makes poetry either. 

Image 04 - Turkey smoke, illustration.

Thinking about her sister’s life and Han-Manu’s, she feels doubt about divine providence. Shanghui also does not believe God.

Image 05 - A city, just illustration

Taerim, the third narrator, believes Jesus, and she actives in her church with her big family. She was also Hae-on’s classmate. Taerim was so depressed about the killing of Hae-on and then she loses her baby girl. She needs God and she makes poetry.

Image 06 - Blooming of magnolia, illustration.

The last chapter DUSK, 2019, after 17 years, from the first narrator, “They are gone now… I am still here and each day I carry on. With me are my mother and little Hye-eun, a guilt no one knows about and an abiding loneliness.”

Image 07 - Cacti fruit, illustration.

Lemon, originally published in Korean in 2019. This book was translated by Janet Hong and published in 2021. This novel only has 147 pages, sweet, fresh, and great novel to read with a small cup cold lemonade. Or with slices of canary melon?

Image 08 - Illustration only.

Have you heard about canary melon? I just learned about canary melon from this book. How it looks like, let’s google😊

Image 09 - Wild fruit, illustration only.

What do you think?

## Previous postings:

Monday 31 July 2023

The Girl with Yellow Skirt – Part 1 – Reading 14

The beginning of chapter “SHORT, 2002” was a process interrogation of a detective to one of two boys.

Image 1- “Lemon” in the lemon tree

The boys are suspected commit a crime in the case of “The High School Beauty Murder”, Han Manu, 18-year-old, in the police interrogation room. Another suspect was Jeongjun, but this boy has an alibi. It was flashback of the first narrator, Da-On, the younger sister of the victim.

The victim, Hae-on, was a senior in one of high school in Seoul, South Korea. Her death body was found in a park, not too far from her school, in afternoon July 1, 2002, when Seoul was crowded with Japan-Korea FIFA World Cup.

Lemon has started with a murder and an interrogation by detective, but this novel more likely brings the readers to think about the cope of grievances than to find out the killer.

Image 2- Part of book.

People cope their griefs differently. Coping strategies are unique to an individual, some of them are unacceptable.

The second narrator in next chapter, Shanghui, was Hae-on classmate. Shanghui and Da-on were in the same Poetry Club in their school. From this narrator, the readers able to see the pictures of the class, clubs. school, and her classmates. She was afraid to get wrong person, but she believes the girl is Da-on.

Then, she found out the girl with yellow skirt, lemon color, did plastic surgery, she changed her face into her sister’s face, and she also always wears yellow dress, like her descent sisters in her last day, wearing yellow dress.

Image 3- A city hall, illustration only

Da-on is really in deep pain from this murder, and pain from surgery.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Thursday 18 May 2023

Traditional book versus electronic book for children – Part 3 – Reading 13

We have talked about advantages and disadvantages of traditional book versus electronic book for children at previous two posts.

Image 1- Books at the bookstore

You may read previous post (Part 1 and part 2):

Many “buzy” parents to give a tablet or any screens for their children, even though they said that they are still monitoring their kids activities or what their kids reads on the screens.

Image 2- At the corner, Just illustration

Other parents give limit time for their kids to access, and facilitate them with traditional books.

Ms M. one of them, she always has time to read the traditional book for Cassie, and Cassie stick to her. Parent-child development.

Image 3- A tree, just illustration

Cassie loves to show whatever she have. She prefers traditional books because she like to show her baby dolls and books.

She can show, carry, and pretend to the book for any body. She doesn't understand that her tablet has many book in it.

Image 4- Books at a small library

# Previous postings:

Sunday 2 April 2023

Traditional book versus electronic book for children – Part 2 – Reading 13

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- The Rainbow Before Evening : Traditional books versus electronic books for children – Part 1 - Reading 13

Image 1 – Children books at the bookstore

Many “busy” working parents to give a tablet or any screens for their children, even though they still said that it is “not compulsory” for education purposes, just a kind of optional.

Another side many parents give limit time for their kids to access, and facilitate them with a traditional book.

Ms M. is just one of them, she always has time to reward the traditional books for Cassie, and Cassie sticks to her as part of the Parent to children development in education process.

Image 2- The nutcracker, illustration only

Little Cassie loves to show whatever she has. She prefers traditional books because she like to show to her baby dolls of her favorite books.

Image 3- Plant parenting, just illustration

She can show, carry, and pretend to the book for any body. She doesn't understand that her tablet has many books in it.

# Previous postings:

Tuesday 21 March 2023

The Ghosts of Paris by Tara Moss – Part 2 – Reading 12

You may read the previous post (Part 1):

- The Rainbow Before Evening : The Ghosts of Paris by Tara Moss – Part 1 – Reading 12

Image 1- A cover of the ghost of Paris

She strongly believed that her husband is impossible to back to Australia, even many folks when they came back from war, they prefer to live in the Australian bushes.

It is because her husband’s friends have damaged their psychology, mentally, and physiology by war.

Moreover, it was a challenging job for Billie Walker, then she and her assistant, Sam, departed for London and Paris. In Paris, her memories with her husband, Jake Rake, came up.

Image 2- Chapter one of book, illustration

Beside her priority job for her client, she also tried to find out any info about her husband who was missing in Poland during war.

During her duty, Billie Walker encountered with the difficult ball games, and not only her mind was ghosting her, but also some people who did not like her activities.

Tara Moss, the author, gives the readers great pictures of life after the war.

Image 3- Illustration of book cover

She ends this book with the wonderful work of talented private investigator, Billie Walker, who solved the questions with fantastic discoveries.

# Previous postings:

Wednesday 8 March 2023

Traditional books versus electronic books for children – Part 1 - Reading 13

Last weekend, just stopped by for a cup of cold latte at Starbucks coffee shop inside the Barnes and Noble bookstore.

Image 1- Noah’s ark story

The books in the cart are getting lower price day by day, and there are many novels and children's books. One of the books took my attention is the Noah Ark! That my favorite story.

I took this book and will give it to Cassie, a three year old granddaughter of Ms L. a member of group in our community.

This traditional book brought many thought about reading for the


She told me that

Image 2- Wild fruit, illustration only

Lately many people suggest to use e-book and interactive e-book for children, especially children in 0 to 5 years old. In this age, it is critical for book reading.

Reading to support kids healthy development brain and important for development of vocabulary, literacy, language skill and better academic ability. 

Image 3 – Books on the shelf, illustration

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Saturday 4 March 2023

The Ghosts of Paris by Tara Moss – Part 1 – Reading 12

Tara Moss launched the second thrilling tale of Billie Walker series, The Ghosts of Paris.

Image 1- Cover book, The Ghosts of Paris

Billie Walker is a survivor and widow from war in Europe, then she returned to Sidney, Australia, and reopened her father office that served as a private investigator

The Ghost of Paris is about Billie Walker’s job in helping her client, Vera Montgomery, to investigate her of husband. Mrs. Montgomery.

Vera needs proof either her husband dead or deserted her, so she can decide her own future life. She hired Billie Walker to discover any proof about her husband with fantastic pay.

Image 2- Illustration only

Vera had never heard from her husband for 2 years. After months of Victory in Europe Day, he disappeared in Paris, the last letter from him when he was in Ritz Paris, then she has never gotten the second letter.

Image 3- The back cover of book

She contacts the Bureau of Information Australia, there is zero clue about him.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Thursday 7 July 2022

A Chemist who Loves to Cook – Part 2 - Reading 11

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- The Rainbow Before Evening : A Chemist who Love to Cook – Part 1 - Reading 11

Image 1- Salad, just for illustration

Then they engage in nice conversations.

There are some amusing things in this book that make the readers will not put this book down.

Such as the first chapter, how she makes a conclusion to a skinny daughter when she was sleeping.

She always cooks dan packs good, tasty, and nutritious meals in her daughter’s lunchbox.

Image 2- Lesson in chemistry, one of the most popular books of 2022

She is happy because her daughter always empties them. But, why her daughter’s weight less than supposed to, and she can not image her daughter has cancer.

Blood cancer? Anemia?

Somebody must be eating her daughter meals!

Image 3- Purple flowers, myrtle

When she looks at her daughter, the story back to 1961. Then, another funny thing is after she gave birth to her daughter, every time the nurse come to her and ask about her pain and feeling, her answer is always “mad”.

Yes, she said that she is mad. Mad. Mad. She also mad when people asked about her daughter.

Image 4- Bonnie Garmus, the author of Lessons of Chemistry 

Then, her daughter is called Mad. Could be her legal name is Mad?

She tried to find many girl names, and nothing match with the last name Zott. She is still mad, Mad Zott. Yes, Mad Zott. Madeline Zott.

I was wondering what folks think about this book, then I went to

The site states this is one of the most Popular Book (2022) with 4.43/5 stars from 43,916 ratings.

What do you think about this book and the rating? I believe this book is a fun book for the summer reading.

# Previous postings:

Monday 27 June 2022

A Chemist who Loves to Cook – Part 1 - Reading 11

The bright orange color with a cute illustration of this book was attractive and charming, “Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus.

It seems a serious reading following the word “lessons” even more “in Chemistry”.

Image 1- Book cover of Lessons in Chemistry

I was so excited to read this novel, what the chemistry things in this book. This book is the first edition (2022), 386 pages, published by Doubleday.

If you are thinking, this book will challenge you about your memory of some chemistry courses from schools, it could be the chemistry language for salt and water.

Moreover, this is a fabulous book about a bright chemist lady who recognize as a famous cooking show “Supper at Six”

Image 2- Purple flower in the summer

The story back to year 1961. The protagonist, Elizabeth Zott, is a Chemist. She works in the research center, Hasting Research Institute, that dominance by male.

At work she met Calvin Evans, a brilliant, lonely, Noble Prize nominated guy.

Image 3- Just for illustration

Garmus, the author, portrayed how the first time Elizabeth had conversation with Evans in the Chemistry Lab.

Image 4- A house in the city, illustration

From here, we also know how the Chemistry Lab in the past with all the graduates, beakers, and Bunsen burners.

It is a lovely first meeting between the two scientists. Elizabeth needs some beakers for her chemistry research, then finally she gets them in Evans’ room.

Evans does not know that she is also a scientist until he walks down to her room, then asks her about his beakers, but she ignores him, and she keeps busy doing her job with Bunsen burner.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Satsumas are Turning to a Brownish Color - Food 45

We have a Satsuma tree at our backyard, the tree is about 15 years old,   it has produced really pretty satsumas every year, Image 01 - Bro...