Sunday, 16 January 2022

The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
(source: The Neurology Lounge)

She (the patient) also had:

- hallucinations
- delusions
- and cognitive impairment.

She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

Fig 02- Library sign, hit by car, illustration

Fig 03- Falling tree, illustration only

Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.

He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.

Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.

The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.

# To be continued to Part 2


  1. Horrible enfermedad y muy interesante lo que compartes de la primera persona detectada.... Saludos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

      It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

    2. The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

  2. Não sabia de nada disso, Amigo; muito interessante o post! Meu abraço, boa semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer' 2
      Fig 03- Falling tree, illustration only
      Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.

      He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.

      Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.

      The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

    2. The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

      It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

  4. I am scared of this disease and I am 65!!!!
    Thanks for sharing interesting information about this topic.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's
      -Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
      (source: The Neurology Lounge)

      She (the patient) also had:
      - hallucinations
      - delusions
      - and cognitive impairment.

      She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

      The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

  5. Es una enfermedad horrible para la persona que lo sufre y mucho para la familia, conozco de cerca un caso de una amiga y es terrible, de oidas alguno màs, ojalá se descubra algo que pueda frenarlo
    Gracias por compartir
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer' 2
      Fig 03- Falling tree, illustration only

      Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.

      He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.

      Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.

      The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

  6. Not a good sickness the alzheimer bcz it can lead to death

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

      It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

  7. Uma doença entre muitas que nos assusta. Boa informação amiga.

    Tenha uma boa semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's
      Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
      (source: The Neurology Lounge)

      She (the patient) also had:
      - hallucinations
      - delusions
      - and cognitive impairment.

      She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

      The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

  8. All diseases are bad, some some more bearable but ultimately everything is dangerous and bad.
    Best regards.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer' 2
      Fig 03- Falling tree, illustration only

      Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.

      He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.

      Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.

      The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

  9. It's a horrific disease that gradually strips victims off their more recent memories.

    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

      It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

  10. Un aplauso para el Dr. Alzheimer, hábil precursor de la enfermedad de pérdida de memoria, que poco a poco merced a su aporte y a nuevos descubrimientos se va paliando sus negativos efectos...
    Un saludo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's
      Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
      (source: The Neurology Lounge)

      She (the patient) also had:
      - hallucinations
      - delusions
      - and cognitive impairment.

      She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

      The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

  11. Uma doença que é muito complicada, devido ao esquecimento!
    Um doce abracinho!
    Megy Maia 🌼🌻🌼

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer' 2
      Fig 03- Falling tree, illustration only

      Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.

      He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.

      Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.

      The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

  12. Un post muito interessante.
    A doença de Alzheimer é terrível, mas no tempo do Dr. Alzheimer seria ainda pior. A medicina vai evoluindo e estudando cada vez mais esta doença para bem dos pacientes.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

      It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

  13. Nowadays, diseases appear early, each day a new population is affected.
    Have blessed days.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's
      Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
      (source: The Neurology Lounge)

      She (the patient) also had:
      - hallucinations
      - delusions
      - and cognitive impairment.

      She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

      The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

  14. Thanks for this interesting post.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer' 2
      Fig 03- Falling tree, illustration only

      Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.

      He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.

      Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.

      The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

  15. Relevante que se busquen caminos para aliviar el alzheimer. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

      It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

  16. Gostei de te ler, Rainbow. Uma doença aterradora! Tenho o máximo respeito por todos que a estudam...

    Pela rosa branca, julgo que és feminina, mas há quem te trate no masculino. Devias esclarecer no teu perfil...

    Have nice days. Greetings

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's
      Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
      (source: The Neurology Lounge)

      She (the patient) also had:
      - hallucinations
      - delusions
      - and cognitive impairment.

      She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

      The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

  17. It is a disease that still has no cure. As far as I know, the drugs that exist today only serve to delay its evolution.
    An interesting post, as always.
    Have a nice weekend, my dear friend.

    1. Indeed... just be careful...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer' 2
      Fig 03- Falling tree, illustration only

      Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.

      He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.

      Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.

      The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

  18. Your posts are very interesting. Alzheimer hopefully will find a solution sooner or later.

    1. hope so....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

      It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

  19. Una terrible enfermedad, que la he vivido muy de cerca, es muy dura.
    Feliz fin de semana

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's
      Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
      (source: The Neurology Lounge)

      She (the patient) also had:
      - hallucinations
      - delusions
      - and cognitive impairment.

      She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

      The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

  20. Olá amiga!
    Passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer' 2
      Fig 03- Falling tree, illustration only

      Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.

      He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.

      Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.

      The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 2 – Healthy Life 16
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

  21. Muy interesante siempre tus publicaciones.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

      It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

  22. Thanks to visit my blog-
    The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's
    -Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
    (source: The Neurology Lounge)

    She (the patient) also had:
    - hallucinations
    - delusions
    - and cognitive impairment.

    She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

    The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

  23. Ótimas publicações.
    Tenha uma feliz qunta-feira.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's
      Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
      (source: The Neurology Lounge)

      She (the patient) also had:
      - hallucinations
      - delusions
      - and cognitive impairment.

      She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

      The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

  24. The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2


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