Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Tea Made of Hibiscus Flowers

We knew Hibiscus flowers could be processed to be tea, but we never seen its sold commercially in the market.

Image 1- A package of hibiscus tea

When we visit Mexican store a couple weeks ago, we saw the Hibiscus tea in the small plastic packages.

The waitress said that tea made of Jamaican flowers, flowers from a Caribbean country. So, it is mean the grocery imported those tea.

Price is quite cheap compare to other tea sold in other American groceries such as Walmart and Whole Foods Market.

Image 2- A pink Hibiscus flower in the garden

Image 3- Yellow flower at a yard

Image 4- Several packs of Hibiscus tea.

Just for comparison, price of teas per 8 oz (227 gram) in groceries of our city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana:

- Hibiscus tea is US$ 4.29 per 8 oz
- others tea is US$ 12.80 per 8 oz

We drink hot hibiscus tea, and love sweet cranberry flavor. Other flavors, just few are:

- spicy
- fruity
- and sour

# Previous postings:


  1. Hello,
    The hibiscus blooms are so pretty. I have never tried the tea, maybe I will give it a try. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Tea Made of Hibiscus Flowers

  2. Olá, não sei se gosto!

    Boa Tarde. Beijinhos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Tea Made of Hibiscus Flowers

  3. No lo sabía.
    Que disfrutes del té.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Tea Made of Hibiscus Flowers
      We knew Hibiscus flowers could be processed to be tea, but we never seen its sold commercially in the market.

  4. Gosto deste chá, mas em saquetas :)
    Ergui as mãos para o céu e conferi

    Beijos e uma excelente semana.

  5. :o que buena entrada y que buen producto <3

    Un beso desde Plegarias en la Noche

  6. Hibiscus flowers are beautiful. I haven't had tea yet.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Tea Made of Hibiscus Flowers
      Image 1- A package of hibiscus tea

      When we visit Mexican store a couple weeks ago, we saw the Hibiscus tea in the small plastic packages.

      The waitress said that tea made of Jamaican flowers, flowers from a Caribbean country. So, it is mean the grocery imported those tea.

      Price is quite cheap compare to other tea sold in other American groceries such as Walmart and Whole Foods Market.

  7. Around here, they are also rare and expensive... Wishing the organic culture to expand, because I like to color my teas with hibiscus, especially green tea.
    A pleasant and happy month of June.

  8. Eu não conheço esse chá, mas vou provar!
    Dear friend, tenha um feliz mês de Junho, com muita paz.

    Um abraço.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Tea Made of Hibiscus Flowers
      Image 4- Several packs of Hibiscus tea.

      Just for comparison, price of teas per 8 oz (227 gram) in groceries of our city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana:
      - Hibiscus tea is US$ 4.29 per 8 oz
      - others tea is US$ 12.80 per 8 oz

      We drink hot hibiscus tea, and love sweet cranberry flavor. Other flavors, just few are:
      - spicy
      - fruity
      - and sour

      # Previous postings:
      - The Best Tacos which I Love to Consume in Louisiana – Part 2 – Food 10
      - The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 1
      - A Novel of Arian - Then The Fish Swallowed Him - Part 2 – Reading 6
      - The signs of late stage of Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 1


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