Monday, 18 July 2022

8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33

We talked about birdhouse for Bluebird at the backyard that you may read the previous post:

Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

Image 1- Eggs of Bluebird

I don’t know exactly how many eggs could be laid by Bluebird in one season. Some of my neighbors said between two and eight eggs.

In our cases, during several years period, our birdhouse was used twice for Bluebird nesting:

- first time with 8 eggs
- second time with 5 eggs

Image 2- Red Cypress, illustration

Image 3- Newborn Bluebird babies

Bluebirds start to lay eggs in the early Spring (about February to March) in our state, Louisiana, but could be later months in our neighborhood.

You may see color of Bluebird’s egg at Image 1 (top image above), sometimes the color is blue tends to white.

Eggs size is around 0.8 inch (2.03 cm) length, quite little compared to chicken’s eggs off course.

Incubation period could take between 11 to 19 days. Just to compare that chicken’s eggs incubation period was about 20 to 21 days.

Have you ever seen Bluebird eggs?

# Previous postings:


  1. No.
    No los he visto nunca.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33
      We talked about birdhouse for Bluebird at the backyard that you may read the previous post:
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

  2. I've never seen them before.
    How cute!

  3. I have never seen blue eggs! Really cool.

    1. I see....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33
      Image 1- Eggs of Bluebird

      I don’t know exactly how many eggs could be laid by Bluebird in one season. Some of my neighbors said between two and eight eggs.

      In our cases, during several years period, our birdhouse was used twice for Bluebird nesting:
      - first time with 8 eggs
      - second time with 5 eggs

  4. I have never seen blue eggs before. Thanks for sharing

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33
      Image 3- Newborn Bluebird babies

      Bluebirds start to lay eggs in the early Spring (about February to March) in our state, Louisiana, but could be later months in our neighborhood.

      You may see color of Bluebird’s egg at Image 1 (top image above), sometimes the color is blue tends to white.

      Eggs size is around 0.8 inch (2.03 cm) length, quite little compared to chicken’s eggs off course.

      Incubation period could take between 11 to 19 days. Just to compare that chicken’s eggs incubation period was about 20 to 21 days.

      Have you ever seen Bluebird eggs?

      # Previous postings:
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

  5. Había visto los pájaros de huevos azules, en el cine. No sé hasta donde entren en la cocina, estos huevos blue. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33
      We talked about birdhouse for Bluebird at the backyard that you may read the previous post:
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

  6. Woah so adorable! Have never seen blue eggs.

  7. The blue eggs look so beautiful. By blue bird too

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33
      Image 1- Eggs of Bluebird

      I don’t know exactly how many eggs could be laid by Bluebird in one season. Some of my neighbors said between two and eight eggs.

      In our cases, during several years period, our birdhouse was used twice for Bluebird nesting:
      - first time with 8 eggs
      - second time with 5 eggs

  8. No hay animal más feo de pequeño que los pajarillos, he tenido por algún tiempo canarios y sus crias horribles, pero se transforman en bellos pajarillos. Un beso.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33

  9. I haven't seen the eggs but they are beautiful.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33

  10. Mais uma excelente partilha aqui nos deixas, minha amiga. Sempre muito oportuna e útil
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Beijos e abraços.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33

  11. Hello,
    The blue eggs are so pretty, it is nice to see the cute babies in the nest.
    Your flowers are lovely. Thank you for sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33
      Image 3- Newborn Bluebird babies
      Bluebirds start to lay eggs in the early Spring (about February to March) in our state, Louisiana, but could be later months in our neighborhood.

      You may see color of Bluebird’s egg at Image 1 (top image above), sometimes the color is blue tends to white.

      Eggs size is around 0.8 inch (2.03 cm) length, quite little compared to chicken’s eggs off course.

      Incubation period could take between 11 to 19 days. Just to compare that chicken’s eggs incubation period was about 20 to 21 days.

      Have you ever seen Bluebird eggs?

      # Previous postings:

      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 1 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 1- Science 8
      - Outlawed - An Epic Western Novel – Part 2 - Reading 4
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8

  12. You always feel so blessed to see something like this. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Indeed....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33
      We talked about birdhouse for Bluebird at the backyard that you may read the previous post:
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

  13. The eggs look beautiful. Looks like the birds are comfortable with human proximity. I’ve seen birds abandoning their nests when birdwatchers get too close.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      8 Eggs of Bluebird for Incubation – Nature 33


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