Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Dungeness Crabs from Gulf of Mexico – Science 19

We visit seafood markets to have a look what might be interest us or to buy cooked foods, ready to consume seafood, just for sometimes.

Image 1- Dungeness Crabs in the market

We found Dungeness Crabs (Metacarcinus sp) in Asian Grocery, section of seafood recently. It was surprising for us.


As we knew Dungeness Crabs are living a lot in Alaska, then the question is: how they reach thousands km from Alaska to seafood market in our city, Baton Rouge, LA?

Another surprising that crabs still live in the market. They were crawling swimming in the tank.

Image 2- White flowers, illustration only

Image 3- Several Dungeness Crabs in the sea water tank.

No, the crabs are not transport from thousands of kilometers distance or from Northern state, Alaska to Southern state, our city, Baton Rouge, but they were caught from nearby area.

Our state has area called as Gulf of Mexico. Yes, Dungeness Crabs come from this ocean. Since not far away, the carbs are fresh.

Distribution of Dungeness Crabs is quite widespread. We may find in several states include: California, Oregon, and Mississippi. The crabs are also identified in Mexico.

Have you seen Dungeness Crabs

# Previous postings:


  1. I miss crabs :-(( Haven't had them in's not easy to get quality seafood with reasonable price over here.

  2. Confesso que gosto de caranguejos cozidos, como petisco.
    Um dia feliz … cumprimentos
    Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos

  3. With aquaculture we eat delicacies from icy waters
    even in Brazil... It's artificial food...
    Around here, we eat Portuguese Alaskan salmon...
    Greetings, dear Rainbow.

  4. La Verdad que no soy mucho de comer cangrejos en todo caso lo que más he comido ha sido la salsa con la que se suelen cocinar. Un fuerte abrazo.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Dungeness Crabs from Gulf of Mexico – Science 19

  6. Me gustan. Hace tiempo que no los como .
    Lindas flores.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Dungeness Crabs from Gulf of Mexico – Science 19
      Image 3- Several Dungeness Crabs in the sea water tank.

      No, the crabs are not transport from thousands of kilometers distance or from Northern state, Alaska to Southern state, our city, Baton Rouge, but they were caught from nearby area.

      Our state has area called as Gulf of Mexico. Yes, Dungeness Crabs come from this ocean. Since not far away, the carbs are fresh.

      Distribution of Dungeness Crabs is quite widespread. We may find in several states include: California, Oregon, and Mississippi. The crabs are also identified in Mexico.

      Have you seen Dungeness Crabs

      # Previous postings:
      - I Got a Covid 19 Vaccine Shot Recently – Part 2
      - Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      - Factors Causing the Late Onset Alzheimer's Diseases – Part 2 - Alzheimer’s 7
      - Cooked Snail is One of Favorite Foods in France - Food 19

  7. That is fantastic that you can get this crab as local seafood.

  8. Não sou muito apreciador desta espécie de marisco. Gosto mais de camarão e lagosta.
    De qual forma, é uma ótima sugestão.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

  9. No los había visto.
    Ahora sí.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Dungeness Crabs from Gulf of Mexico – Science 19
      Image 3- Several Dungeness Crabs in the sea water tank.

      No, the crabs are not transport from thousands of kilometers distance or from Northern state, Alaska to Southern state, our city, Baton Rouge, but they were caught from nearby area.

      Our state has area called as Gulf of Mexico. Yes, Dungeness Crabs come from this ocean. Since not far away, the carbs are fresh.

      Distribution of Dungeness Crabs is quite widespread. We may find in several states include: California, Oregon, and Mississippi. The crabs are also identified in Mexico.

      Have you seen Dungeness Crabs

      # Previous postings:
      - I Got a Covid 19 Vaccine Shot Recently – Part 2
      - Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      - Factors Causing the Late Onset Alzheimer's Diseases – Part 2 - Alzheimer’s 7
      - Cooked Snail is One of Favorite Foods in France - Food 19

  10. Hello,
    Love the crab images. The flowers are beautiful. Hubby and I both love steamed crabs and crab cakes, yum! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  11. I think I lost my comment! Enjoyed your post though!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Dungeness Crabs from Gulf of Mexico – Science 19
      We visit seafood markets to have a look what might be interest us or to buy cooked foods, ready to consume seafood, just for sometimes.


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