Saturday 29 October 2022

Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43

Indeed, Spring and Summer times are the peak of bees visiting our backyard, but we may see few bees in early Autumn.

Image 1- He's coming, pollination will be in progress.

As reported by Gees Bees Honey Company (2022: What Do Honeybees Do in the Fall?) that they noticed “Even after the first frost, the bees bringing pollen into the hive, presumably from aster flowers.”

The number of bee species is quite great, it is estimated about thousand different species both in the world and in North America:

- 16,000 species in the world.
- 4,000 species in North America.

Image 2- The bee between flowers and leaves

# Important postings:

Image 3- One of important flowers for bees

Of thousands, I wonder why one species only to produce honey called honeybee with scientific name Apis mellifera.

Image 4- Local honey from wild bees

Another species, bumble bees produced honey as well, but just small amount for their own used only. Hence, the honey can’t be collected by beekeepers for commercial purposes.

Moreover, Honeybees live in collective for years, while wild bees live collective for short period, one season.

Honeybees live in the hives which have honeycomb.

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. I haven't seen a bee last days..your backyard must be still flowering and great for the bees.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43
      Indeed, Spring and Summer times are the peak of bees visiting our backyard, but we may see few bees in early Autumn.

  2. Muy interesante.
    Espero la continuación.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43
      Indeed, Spring and Summer times are the peak of bees visiting our backyard, but we may see few bees in early Autumn.

  3. My house tends to attract bees. They often build a nest in my backyard every year.

    1. great ...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43
      Indeed, Spring and Summer times are the peak of bees visiting our backyard, but we may see few bees in early Autumn.

  4. Tem de haver flores para o mel!

    Beijo. Bom fim de semana!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43
      Indeed, Spring and Summer times are the peak of bees visiting our backyard, but we may see few bees in early Autumn.

  5. Thanks to visit my blog-
    Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43
    Indeed, Spring and Summer times are the peak of bees visiting our backyard, but we may see few bees in early Autumn.

  6. Hello,
    The bees here have disappeared till spring. I enjoy the local honey.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great new week!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43
      Indeed, Spring and Summer times are the peak of bees visiting our backyard, but we may see few bees in early Autumn.


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