Monday 7 November 2022

What is Brain Plasticity? - Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 1

We may think, plasticity refers to plastic, an elastic material or things that can be bending.

Image 1- Brain plasticity (credit to “learning-mind /brain-plasticity”)

In case of brain plasticity, the meaning is “changing” of brain due to internal and external factors.

As we grow in respect to whatever, the brain is “growing” as well, this could be said as “changing.”

The brain keeps changing made us able to face new experiences in our daily life.

One day, we face difficulty with new things, it is because our brain capability has been declined.

Image 2- People saw some plants

We know that older persons get problem to adapt to new environments, and even not so interest to learn new methods.

Image 3- Just for illustration

It is important as said by Banks (2016) for brain to have ability to re-wire or modify itself. This ability makes us be human, develop from childhood to adulthood.

Another special ability is that brain could re-routing the signal pathways if one neural pathway was error. The ability significantly distinguishes between brain and computer, where computer just have parallel motor and sensory signals.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Grazie, sempre molto interessante leggerti!

  2. I hadn't heard of that term before.

  3. This is something new to me...thanks for sharing the interesting information.

  4. Plasticity is a hot topic for a long time. Too much mystery with the brain

  5. Uma palavra que desconhecia!!
    Beijo e uma excelente semana.

  6. Interesante, todo lo que nos enseñas.

  7. Your post does a great job of highlighting the need for us to take care of ourselves and to make sure we are always willing to learn new things!

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      What is Brain Plasticity? - Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 1

  8. Very interesting. Regine

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      What is Brain Plasticity? - Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 1

  9. Muy interesante. El cerebro tiene límites insospechados...

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      What is Brain Plasticity? - Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 1
      We may think, plasticity refers to plastic, an elastic material or things that can be bending.


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