Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Bonsai Show in Our City – Part 1 - Nature 51

Bonsai society has regular shows in our city, Baton Rouge in a year. Members and whoever interest are encouraged to come and participate in the show.

Image 1- A sign of bonsai show

When we visited one of the show, no more than 100 trees are displayed, and the visitors are less than 2 dozen. However, we think that quite reasonable numbers for a small room.

About 15 people were gathering. I guessed they both a member of society and just a common people like us.

I knew from society and other several sources about favorite trees as bonsais trees in our areas.

Image 2- A bonsai of Bougain villae tree

The names of top bonsai trees in our state, Louisiana are following:

- Bald cypress
- Trident maple
- Japanese Lace Leaf Red Maple
- Chinese Elm
- Brazilian Rain Tree

Image 3- Two most beautiful bonsai

Several beautiful bonsai trees are displayed in entrance and center room of show.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Looks quite beautiful regardless

  2. Qué bonitos, a pesar delicados merece la pena cuidarlos, ellos son gratificantes , y nos enseñan a tener esa paciencia para su cuidado.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Bonsai Show in Our City – Part 1 - Nature 51
      Bonsai society has regular shows in our city, Baton Rouge in a year. Members and whoever interest are encouraged to come and participate in the show.

  3. I really like Bonsai, I have had some, actually plants, well-kept pots is another of my hobbies.

  4. They are so beautiful! Wish I had a talent to create my own :-)

  5. Qué maravilla!!!
    Arte en miniatura.

  6. MI hai fatto venire voglia di prenderne uno!!!

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Bonsai Show in Our City – Part 1 - Nature 51
      Bonsai society has regular shows in our city, Baton Rouge in a year. Members and whoever interest are encouraged to come and participate in the show.

  7. Vaya si el bonsai no solo es arte, sino amor por estas especies que se dejan miniaturizar. Un abrazo. carlos

  8. Olá amiga,
    Gosto muito dos Bonzais. São árvores muito bonitas.
    Excelente partilha.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  9. Bonsai is such an amazing artform.

    Hugs and blessings!

  10. I adore bonsai, they are beautiful.

  11. Son preciosos los bolsas. Todo un arte cuidarlos 👏👏👏👏

  12. Luv bonsai. Tried it with a ficus once it thrived for a while then withered. I cried.
    Greetings from St James Trinidad
    Happy Monday
    mine is HERE


  13. Bonsai s are such treasures in the home. Thank you for sharing at

    Very glad to see this!

    1. yes, you are ...

      Thank you-
      Bonsai Show in Our City – Part 1 - Nature 51
      Bonsai society has regular shows in our city, Baton Rouge in a year. Members and whoever interest are encouraged to come and participate in the show.

  14. My late Mother did bonsai for decades......Michelle

    1. glad to hear...

      Thank you-
      Bonsai Show in Our City – Part 1 - Nature 51
      Bonsai society has regular shows in our city, Baton Rouge in a year. Members and whoever interest are encouraged to come and participate in the show.


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 Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.  Image 01 - Grape tomatoes and peppe...