Tuesday, 16 May 2023

A Baby Quail Stuck on the Patio – Nature 73

We consume quail eggs, both fresh and canned eggs sometimes. The quail eggs are sold in the grocery stores or several farmer markets in our city.

Image 1- A baby quail, just quiet.

We never seen a quail or a baby quail in the nature or in the farming sites. However, some neighbors have seen adults running around on the streets at our neighborhood.

Many our neighbors believed that the adult quails are not wild ones, but someone must be raising them as pets or even raising them for daily fresh eggs in the community.

Recently, we saw a baby quail on the patio, maybe the baby just wander off and lost to find their way back home.

Image 2- Look like a sick baby quail

Other possibilities that maybe, a Mom will come looking for it, or maybe something happened to Mom. We don’t know the real answers.

Since the baby looks confuse or maybe sick, it needs a rescue. We will call The Vet School or a foundation (Wings of Hope) in our city.

Image 3- A baby quail needs rescue.

Have you consumed quail eggs and seen the critters in the nature?

# Previous postings:


  1. Qué bonito , esto me ha hecho recordar cuando éramos pequeños , mi hermano tenia una habilidad tremenda para los pajarillos. Un beso.

  2. Poor baby quail, I hope it finds its family soon!

  3. Poor quail, I hope that someone can rescue him/her soon.

    1. hope so....

      Thank you to visit my post-
      A Baby Quail Stuck on the Patio – Nature 73
      We consume quail eggs, both fresh and canned eggs sometimes. The quail eggs are sold in the grocery stores or several farmer markets in our city.

  4. Hopefully the quail finds the family.

    1. we worry...

      Thank you to visit my post-
      A Baby Quail Stuck on the Patio – Nature 73
      We consume quail eggs, both fresh and canned eggs sometimes. The quail eggs are sold in the grocery stores or several farmer markets in our city.

  5. So cute, I hope he's okay! :)


    1. yes, the quail is OK now...

      Thank you to visit my post-
      A Baby Quail Stuck on the Patio – Nature 73
      We consume quail eggs, both fresh and canned eggs sometimes. The quail eggs are sold in the grocery stores or several farmer markets in our city.

  6. Siempre interesante leerte👏👏

    1. Thank you to visit my post-
      A Baby Quail Stuck on the Patio – Nature 73

  7. Oh my, the baby quail is adorable. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week.

    1. Thank you to visit my post-
      A Baby Quail Stuck on the Patio – Nature 73

  8. I've watched quails in the wild and saw how they take care of their babies. I hope the lost baby quail will find its family soon.

    1. Hopefully.....

      Thank you to visit my post-
      A Baby Quail Stuck on the Patio – Nature 73


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