Saturday, 19 August 2023

A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85

 We have experienced with babies' squirrel as we post previously:

-  The Rainbow Before Evening : The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17

Image 1- Less than 10 weeks old squirrel

Just recently, we saw a little squirrel in her nest. She looks shy, and hiding in her nest when we approach her.
As we mentioned that in our state, Louisiana, squirrels have two breeding seasons that are around mid-December to February, and mid-June to August.

Hence, this little baby could be less than 10 weeks old, because after 10 weeks old, she would leave the nest.

At the age of 10 weeks or more, squirrels will be able to climb down and up the tress, so they be able to forage for foods in nature.

Image 2- The old tree, an artificial box

Interestingly, squirrels have their mate for life, however, in case their mate died, then they will find a new one.  A squirrel has average litters about 3 to 4 young.


  1. Replies
    1. cute and erratic....

      Thank you-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85
      We have experienced with babies' squirrel as we post previously:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85
      We have experienced with babies' squirrel as we post previously:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17

  3. So cute !
    We don't see squirrels around here...
    Have a nice week !

    1. Thank you for coming-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85
      We have experienced with babies' squirrel as we post previously:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17

  4. The baby squirrel is so cute, great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

    1. Thank you-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85

  5. Love the cute squirrel 🧡🧡🧡

    Happy Monday!

    1. Thank you for coming-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85

  6. The first image is nice. Learning that they mate for life but might find a new partner if one passes away is intriguing.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you for comment-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85
      We have experienced with babies' squirrel as we post previously:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17

  8. They are really cute. We can tell the young ones here by how erratic they run and chase each other. neat photo!

  9. Belas imagens aqui partilhas, amiga.
    Curiosamente, ainda um dia destes vi um esquilo. Coisa, que nunca tinha visto ao vivo. São muito interessantes.
    Deixo os meus votos de uma boa semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you for comment-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85
      We have experienced with babies' squirrel as we post previously:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17

  10. This little squirrel is such a cutie! I grew up with squirrels everywhere in Washington state, but don't have to many where I live now in Arizona.

    1. enjoy seeing them....

      Thank you for comment-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85

  11. How cute. We don't get them here at all, I don't think...#NaturesNotes

    1. Thank you for comment-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85
      We have experienced with babies' squirrel as we post previously:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17

  12. A friend is a wildlife rehabber (Rochester New York) who specializes in squirrels. It isn't easy to be a squirrel Mom but they are very devoted Mothers. Right now her neighborhood squirrels many of who she raised are coming into her yard full of injuries. The males may travel quite a distance and fight to mate. Many times the female just gets grabbed and has no choice in the matter as to the father of her babies..I am talking about gray squirrels here....Michelle

    1. you are right about squirrels world....

      Thank you for comment-
      A Little Young Squirrel in her Nest - Nature 85
      We have experienced with babies' squirrel as we post previously:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17


Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48

 Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.  Image 01 - Grape tomatoes and peppe...