Monday 2 October 2023

The Night Sky at our Neighborhood - Nature 96

We were out for brief walking tonight, it moved so fast, we almost missed a chance to picture the beautiful sky over our neighborhood. 

Image 1- The beautiful sky at night

Actually, all of our life it has been constantly changing. Things don't just hang there for hours with going away quickly. If we are very observant, we should understand about this point.

The colors are very pretty to our eyes. Some people said that this stunning, the magnificent sky is a typical sunset in the Fall season, especially in our and close by areas lately.

However, such pretty colors could be caused by many factors, either naturally or manmade pollution, sad to say.

Image 2- Sky night over neighborhood

Naturally, colors of could be caused by such as atoms and molecules on the atmosphere, stars, aurora and nebulas.

Image 3- View of sky night in our place

Beautiful sky might be dictated by the pollutants in our atmosphere which break up the light spectrum into those colors.

Image 4- The sunset view over the street

Pollutants such as sulfur dioxide can create a green and yellow sky, and nitrogen dioxide could make sky to be a reddish-orange color.

Image 5- The sky view over our home.

How about sky colors in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. Gosh..the sky looks breathtakingly beautiful!

  2. Hello!
    Beautiful photos. The sky looks wonderful in every photo. I really like the sky landscape :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  3. Precioos todos los cielos que nos ofreces, aunque sea el mismo ajja. Aquí depende donde estemos no es igual el de la ciudad qué el del pueblo . Un fuerte abrazo.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Night Sky at our Neighborhood - Nature 96

  5. Gorgeous night skies !
    Have a nice day !

  6. The sky looks beautiful.
    However, your description of why ... that is already up for consideration.

    1. yes, true...

      Thank you-
      The Night Sky at our Neighborhood - Nature 96
      We were out for brief walking tonight, it moved so fast, we almost missed a chance to picture the beautiful sky over our neighborhood.

  7. WOW! Gorgeous sky shots!
    Happy Wednesday!

  8. A very beautiful sky. I remember long time ago, when I was a kid, my grandpa (a sailor for 40 years) called me to watch the sky together teaching to me the name of stars and constellations.

  9. Los atardeceres son impresionantes con el sol inyectado de fuego en eso que aquí llaman "el sol de los venados" un abrazo. Carlos

  10. Con el paso de las horas se advierten las distintas tonalidades que va tomando el cielo, siempre hermoso
    Un abrazo

  11. Belas imagens do céu. É extraordinário ver as suas constantes mutações.
    Excelente partilha, minha amiga.
    Votos de um feliz fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      The Night Sky at our Neighborhood - Nature 96
      We were out for brief walking tonight, it moved so fast, we almost missed a chance to picture the beautiful sky over our neighborhood.

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Night Sky at our Neighborhood - Nature 96

  13. Fantastic sky. What colours!

    Thank you for sharing at

    Have a good week, Heidrun

    1. Thank you-
      The Night Sky at our Neighborhood - Nature 96
      We were out for brief walking tonight, it moved so fast, we almost missed a chance to picture the beautiful sky over our neighborhood.

  14. What gorgeous photos. It just makes you thankful to witness so much beauty!

    1. Thank you-
      The Night Sky at our Neighborhood - Nature 96

  15. Maravillosas fotos!! Es una belleza observar el cielo del atardecer . Un abrazo

  16. Impresionantes atardeceres. Muy hermoso ❤


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