Saturday 4 May 2024

Peggy Martin Roses - Nature 133

Born from resilience, the 'Peggy Martin' rose, also nicknamed the "Katrina rose," boasts an inspiring story, survived the devastating Hurricane Katrina decades ago.

Image 01 - Pink roses, Peggy Martin

The Peggy Martin Rose exemplifies the characteristics of a climbing rose. It is a robust grower, capable of reaching heights of 15 feet or more. 

Its vigorous growth and stunning blooms make it a popular choice for trellises, fences, and garden walls.

Some other reasons the people love Peggy Martin roses are:
- pink color with blooming in the Spring and Fall
- heat tolerant and cold-hardy
- diseases resistant.

Image 02 - Peggy Martin roses, pink color

# Important postings:

Image 03 - Climbing on the fences

Finally, known for their easy care, Peggy Martin roses flourish with a boost from compost and organic rose food.

Image 04 - Roses on the grown. 

Do you know about Peggy Martin roses?

## Previous postings:


  1. Muy bellas flores, se nota que estamos en mayo. Feliz fin de semana. Besos.

    1. Thank you-

      Peggy Martin Roses - Nature 133
      Born from resilience, the 'Peggy Martin' rose, also nicknamed the "Katrina rose," boasts an inspiring story, survived the devastating Hurricane Katrina decades ago.

  2. Gorgeous roses !!!
    Have a lovely weekend !

  3. Fabulous looking roses there

  4. Encanto de rosas "rosáceas", muestran entornos engalanados y aromados por su esencia.
    Un abrazo

  5. They are very pretty.
    I love how they symbolize hope, especially considering their history with Hurricane Katrina.

    1. great history......

      Thank you-

      Peggy Martin Roses - Nature 133
      Born from resilience, the 'Peggy Martin' rose, also nicknamed the "Katrina rose," boasts an inspiring story, survived the devastating Hurricane Katrina decades ago.

  6. Sì, sono meravigliose, un tripudio di fiori!!!

    1. Thank you-
      Peggy Martin Roses - Nature 133
      Born from resilience, the 'Peggy Martin' rose, also nicknamed the "Katrina rose," boasts an inspiring story, survived the devastating Hurricane Katrina decades ago.

  7. Qué buena historia con esta rosa que soportó el embate del devastador huracán Katrina. En ella, fuerza y resistencia para vivir. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thank you-
      Peggy Martin Roses - Nature 133
      Born from resilience, the 'Peggy Martin' rose, also nicknamed the "Katrina rose," boasts an inspiring story, survived the devastating Hurricane Katrina decades ago.

  8. Good read, brimming with sensitivity.
    Kisses in your heart.
    Following your blog.

  9. Muito interessante este teu post, estimada amiga.
    Não conhecia esta planta trepadeira. Fiquei agora a conhecer um pouco melhor.
    Excelente partilha!

    Deixo os meu votos de um bom fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Peggy Martin Roses - Nature 133
      Born from resilience, the 'Peggy Martin' rose, also nicknamed the "Katrina rose," boasts an inspiring story, survived the devastating Hurricane Katrina decades ago.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Peggy Martin Roses - Nature 133
      Born from resilience, the 'Peggy Martin' rose, also nicknamed the "Katrina rose," boasts an inspiring story, survived the devastating Hurricane Katrina decades ago.

  12. I'm replying late this week, it was turbulent after our trip. The coming days will be easier again...

    ...wonderful post about gardening with success.

    I'm very happy about the contribution to MosaicMonday again, thank you for that. Kind regards from Heidrun


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