Saturday, 9 January 2021

Wild Flowers in the Backyards – Nature 1

Fig 01- A flower blooming through Autumn

As a southern state of USA, we may find wild flowers blooming almost at all 4 seasons in Louisiana.

However, the blooming of wild flowers reach peak in the two seasons of the year:

- Fall
- Spring

As usual, there are plenty of wild flower colors. There are 6 dominant colors which include:

- golden
- yellow
- purple
- lavender
- blue
- pink

Fig 02- White flower with yellow in the center.

I always find white flower, look like Daisy in my backyard. The white petal so smooth with yellow in the center make its very beautiful.

Fig 03- Wild flower resemble to fungi.

Asters are common wild flower in my area, their colors are:

- white
- lavender
- pink

Fig 04- Wild flower with red color

Other common wild flowers are plenty in my areas, and blooming from Spring to Autum. Just for examples are:

- golden yellow sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale)
- purple blazing-star (Liatris sp.).
- American beauty berry (Callicarpa americana).
- ironweed (Vernonia altissima)
- Goldenrods (Solidago sp.)
- giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida)
- narrow-leaved sunflower (Helianthus angustifolius)
- the blue mist-flower (Conoclinium coelestinum).

Many more wild flower in our states from small to medium to larger size in term of flowers and trees.

Do you love wild flowers? What are common wild flowers in your areas?


  1. beautiful
    Saturday, 9 January 2021
    Wild Flowers in the Backyards – Nature 1

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Flowers in the Backyards – Nature 1
      Fig 02- White flower with yellow in the center.

      I always find white flower, look like Daisy in my backyard. The white petal so smooth with yellow in the center make its very beautiful.

  2. What a wonderful surprise, thank you being part of


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Flowers in the Backyards – Nature 1
      Fig 02- White flower with yellow in the center.

      I always find white flower, look like Daisy in my backyard. The white petal so smooth with yellow in the center make its very beautiful.

    2. Thank you so much for posting in Nature Notes. I love when the asters come up here as I have many different kinds of them and am always excited to see them....Michelle

    3. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Flowers in the Backyards – Nature 1
      Fig 02- White flower with yellow in the center.

      I always find white flower, look like Daisy in my backyard. The white petal so smooth with yellow in the center make its very beautiful.

    4. Wild Flowers in the Backyards – Nature 1


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