Sunday, 12 September 2021

New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15

Space in the hospital, just for Illustration

Both mom and dad experienced some degree of depression immediately after childbirth.

Around 12% of mother get depression called as a postpartum depression. This kind of depression is due to combination of factors such as:

- tired and exhausted
- psychological adaptation
- and hormonal changes.

Depressions faced by parents not only influence their own behavior, but also trickle-down effect to their newborn child, and even beyond.

It is fact that depression parents affect on their kids either direct or indirectly. The effects may include their children:

- cognitive ability
- emotional function
- anxiety development
- and even depression of children.

Jasmine flowers, illustration only.

Many researchers found that depressed parents associates with children difficulties in respect to:

- insecurity
- agressiveness
- emotionalism
- happiness
- cognitive vulnerabilities
- and bad interpersonal functioning.

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Que interesante y buena información compartes hoy, saludos amiga.

    1. Thanks-
      New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15
      Space in the hospital, just for Illustration

      Both mom and dad experienced some degree of depression immediately after childbirth.

      Around 12% of mother get depression called as a postpartum depression. This kind of depression is due to combination of factors such as:
      - tired and exhausted
      - psychological adaptation
      - and hormonal changes.

      Depressions faced by parents not only influence their own behavior, but also trickle-down effect to their newborn child, and even beyond.

      It is fact that depression parents affect on their kids either direct or indirectly. The effects may include their children:
      - cognitive ability
      - emotional function
      - anxiety development
      - and even depression of children.

    2. New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15

  2. Olá, amiga!
    A depressão pós parto, pode ter muitas causas. Dependendo sempre da situação emocional de cada parturiente. Não é felizmente, uma situação generalizada.
    Excelente partilha.

    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks-
      New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15
      Jasmine flowers, illustration only.

      Many researchers found that depressed parents associates with children difficulties in respect to:
      - insecurity
      - agressiveness
      - emotionalism
      - happiness
      - cognitive vulnerabilities
      - and bad interpersonal functioning.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Important of Microorganisms in Food Industry – Healthy Life 1
      - What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      - Can Six Dolar Drug Kill Covid 19 Virus? - Healthy Life 3
      - Which One Has Vitamin C more - Red Bell Pepper or Orange? - Healthy Life 4
      - First Important Step to Know Mental Illness - Healthy Life 5

    2. New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15

  3. Sí.
    Así es.
    Hay que tener mucho cuidado.


    1. Thanks-
      New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15
      Space in the hospital, just for Illustration

      Both mom and dad experienced some degree of depression immediately after childbirth.

      Around 12% of mother get depression called as a postpartum depression. This kind of depression is due to combination of factors such as:
      - tired and exhausted
      - psychological adaptation
      - and hormonal changes.

      Depressions faced by parents not only influence their own behavior, but also trickle-down effect to their newborn child, and even beyond.

      It is fact that depression parents affect on their kids either direct or indirectly. The effects may include their children:
      - cognitive ability
      - emotional function
      - anxiety development
      - and even depression of children.

    2. New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15

  4. Verdade. Como pai de 4 filhos, concordo com as suas palavras. Precisamos estar atentos a isso! Meu abraço, boa semana.

    1. Thanks-
      New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15
      Jasmine flowers, illustration only.

      Many researchers found that depressed parents associates with children difficulties in respect to:
      - insecurity
      - agressiveness
      - emotionalism
      - happiness
      - cognitive vulnerabilities
      - and bad interpersonal functioning.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Important of Microorganisms in Food Industry – Healthy Life 1
      - What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      - Can Six Dolar Drug Kill Covid 19 Virus? - Healthy Life 3
      - Which One Has Vitamin C more - Red Bell Pepper or Orange? - Healthy Life 4
      - First Important Step to Know Mental Illness - Healthy Life 5

    2. New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15

  5. La importancia de conocer sobre la depresión posparto, en el sentido de que esta también puede afectar al padre, y por ende al niño recién venido. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks-
      New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15
      Space in the hospital, just for Illustration

      Both mom and dad experienced some degree of depression immediately after childbirth.

      Around 12% of mother get depression called as a postpartum depression. This kind of depression is due to combination of factors such as:
      - tired and exhausted
      - psychological adaptation
      - and hormonal changes.

      Depressions faced by parents not only influence their own behavior, but also trickle-down effect to their newborn child, and even beyond.

      It is fact that depression parents affect on their kids either direct or indirectly. The effects may include their children:
      - cognitive ability
      - emotional function
      - anxiety development
      - and even depression of children.

    2. New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15 ...

  6. Los padres se enfrentan a una gran responsabilidad. Y sí, hay que estar preparados para afrontarla, por el bien de los pequeños.

    Siempre interesantes tus entradas. Gracias!

    1. Thanks-
      New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15
      Jasmine flowers, illustration only.

      Many researchers found that depressed parents associates with children difficulties in respect to:
      - insecurity
      - agressiveness
      - emotionalism
      - happiness
      - cognitive vulnerabilities
      - and bad interpersonal functioning.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Important of Microorganisms in Food Industry – Healthy Life 1
      - What is Coronasomnia? - Healthy Life 2
      - Can Six Dolar Drug Kill Covid 19 Virus? - Healthy Life 3
      - Which One Has Vitamin C more - Red Bell Pepper or Orange? - Healthy Life 4
      - First Important Step to Know Mental Illness - Healthy Life 5

  7. good info about New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15


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