Saturday, 11 June 2022

Could Avocado Reduce Metabolic Syndrome? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 21

The Metabolic Syndrome is also known as syndrome that relate to insulin resistance. Then may causes to health problems (NIH, 2022: What Is Metabolic Syndrome?) 

Image 1- Five avocados on the plate

The combine conditions that believe to responsible for “Metabolic Syndrome” such as:

- increasing blood pressure
- high blood sugar
- excess body fat around the waist
- and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels

These combination conditions may lead to increase risk of many diseases.

Image 2- Walking path, just illustration

Image 3- Avocado, sold at local grocery, Walmart

The following diseases which are relating to metabolic syndrome, include:

- heart disease and stroke
- type 2 diabetes

Studies indicated that avocado could reduce metabolic syndromes. One of studies was reported by Jamshiod Tabeshpour et al at Phytotherapy Research in 2017.

Avocado contains two types of fats to boost metabolism, they are:

- monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fats

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Thanks for sharing this important info. I love avocados, they are very good.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Could Avocado Reduce Metabolic Syndrome? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 21

  2. Boas informações, gosto muito de abacates, principalmente a vitamina.
    Obrigada pela partilha.

    Tenha um bom fim de semana.

  3. Muy interesante.
    Estaré atento a la continuación.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Could Avocado Reduce Metabolic Syndrome? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 21
      The Metabolic Syndrome is also known as syndrome that relate to insulin resistance. Then may causes to health problems (NIH, 2022: What Is Metabolic Syndrome?)

  4. Thanks for sharing the info, I should eat more Avocados, they are a healthy food. .Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Could Avocado Reduce Metabolic Syndrome? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 21
      Image 1- Five avocados on the plate

      The combine conditions that believe to responsible for “Metabolic Syndrome” such as:
      - increasing blood pressure
      - high blood sugar
      - excess body fat around the waist
      - and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels

      These combination conditions may lead to increase risk of many diseases.

  6. Não aprecio este fruto simples. Mas como :)
    Emoções esvoaçando no areal...

    Beijos. Boa noite!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Could Avocado Reduce Metabolic Syndrome? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 21


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