Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Shredded Rotisserie Chicken with Purple Bell Peppers – Food 15

We talked little bit of Purple Bell Peppers at previous posting:

- The Rainbow Before Evening : Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14

Image 1- Sauté of peppers and shredded rotisserie chicken

I believe the taste of raw pepper is crisp, but less sweet than red and yellow ones.

I prefer to sauté those peppers, added some slices:

- sweet yellow onion
- green onion
- and red tabasco peppers for flavors.

Image 2- Raw chicken in the market

Image 3- Cutting one half of bell peppers

Image 4- The purple color covers one half only

Then I mixed the slices of purple bell peppers with the shredded (cooked) rotisserie chicken.

As you know that sauté is a technique to fry food with small amount of margarine or fat.

We usually use little fire with oil to coat the food in order to:

- prevent sticking to the pan
- conducting heat to foods

The mixed of purple bell pepper with the shredded rotisserie chicken was very tasty and a little bit spicy.

# Previous postings:


  1. Un piatto molto invitante, bellissimi i peperoni!!!!

  2. Con buenas viandas se hacen excelentes guisos . Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Shredded Rotisserie Chicken with Purple Bell Peppers – Food 15
      We talked little bit of Purple Bell Peppers at previous posting:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14

  3. Tiene muy buena pinta!!!
    Ñammm Ñammmmmmmmmm

  4. Deve ser mesmo uma delícia!! :)
    Coisas de uma Vida

    Beijos. Votos de um bom feriado.

  5. DE esa manera con el pimentón, el pollo debe quedar muy sabroso. Un abrazo. Carlos

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Shredded Rotisserie Chicken with Purple Bell Peppers – Food 15
      Image 4- The purple color covers one half only

      Then I mixed the slices of purple bell peppers with the shredded (cooked) rotisserie chicken.

      As you know that sauté is a technique to fry food with small amount of margarine or fat.

      We usually use little fire with oil to coat the food in order to:
      - prevent sticking to the pan
      - conducting heat to foods

      The mixed of purple bell pepper with the shredded rotisserie chicken was very tasty and a little bit spicy.

      # Previous postings:
      - Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood
      - GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
      - CATS Transport System in Our City Baton Rouge, LA
      - What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22

  7. Fica uma delícia!
    Obrigada pela partilha!


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Shredded Rotisserie Chicken with Purple Bell Peppers – Food 15
      Image 4- The purple color covers one half only

  8. Olá amiga,
    Ótimas a sugestões aqui nos trazes. Que nos fazem crescer água na boca...

    Votos de um excelente fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Shredded Rotisserie Chicken with Purple Bell Peppers – Food 15
      We talked little bit of Purple Bell Peppers at previous posting:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14

  9. Thanks to visit my blog-
    Shredded Rotisserie Chicken with Purple Bell Peppers – Food 15
    Image 1- Sauté of peppers and shredded rotisserie chicken

    I believe the taste of raw pepper is crisp, but less sweet than red and yellow ones.

    I prefer to sauté those peppers, added some slices:
    - sweet yellow onion
    - green onion
    - and red tabasco peppers for flavors.

  10. Thanks for sharing, but I don't really like the color... Red is my favorite!: ))


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