Sunday 25 December 2022

Temperature Drop to Minus but No Snow – Science 31

Temperature is quite strange in our area, swing too huge, from plus C 28* (F 83*) last week to C -7* (F 19) degree in the last few days.

Image 1- Last snow in our area, 2017

Back to last year, we saw our bird drinking water was frozen in our backyard, but no snow fell down at all.

Yes, there was reported of snow in our state, Louisiana but our city, Baton Rouge got winter storm and frozen temperature only.

I don’t think that was snow. Our city was pouring with sleet and freezing rain. Winter storm caused blackout in our neighborhood in 2021.

Image 2- Frozen during last year winter, 2021

As far as I remember that a reasonable “thick” snow fall happened five years ago or in 2017.

Image 3- “Thick snow” in 2017

Based on record, our city experienced snow fall in the following years (just several recent years): in 2017, 2010 and in 2008.

The reason no snow even though temperature below zero degree Celsius is that there is less moisture in the air to form snowfalls

In fact, snow tend to form when temperature between C 0* (zero) to C +2* degrees.

How about in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. Quite similar over here last two weeks...this week we suddenly have spring weather...too darn warm for December.

  2. Aquí hace casi calor.
    Barcelona (Spain), 20º Centígrados de máxima y 11º Centígrados de mínima.
    Espero que mejore el tiempo en todo el norte de Ámerica.
    Feliz Navidad.

  3. Todo cuanto acontece respecto a la climatología , se entiende que es fruto de "cambio climático" influenciado por el exceso vertido de CO2 "contaminantes" a la atmosfera...Felices FIESTAS y muy FELIZ 2023

  4. Beautiful snow scenes. Like a paradise

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Temperature Drop to Minus but No Snow – Science 31
      Temperature is quite strange in our area, swing too huge, from plus C 28* (F 83*) last week to C -7* (F 19) degree in the last few days.

  5. Por aquí, como no gozamos de estaciones, no se dan estas precipitaciones de nieve que, extrañan debido a que no alcanza a darse la humedad en el aire para precipitar los poéticos algodones. UN abrazo. Carlos

    1. I see....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Temperature Drop to Minus but No Snow – Science 31
      Temperature is quite strange in our area, swing too huge, from plus C 28* (F 83*) last week to C -7* (F 19) degree in the last few days.

  6. Olá amiga,
    De facto o tempo anda estranho. São sinais preocupantes das alterações climáticas.
    Deixo os meus votos de uma excelente semana, e a continuação de Festas felizes!

    Mário Margaride

  7. Splendide le foto con la neve... Da noi nevica poco...

  8. Aquí estamos teniendo temperaturas muy suaves para la época del año.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Temperature Drop to Minus but No Snow – Science 31
      Temperature is quite strange in our area, swing too huge, from plus C 28* (F 83*) last week to C -7* (F 19) degree in the last few days.


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