Tuesday 10 January 2023

Million Chickens are Killed in the USA

As far as I remember the cost of a dozen large white egg was about US$ 1.54 last year, January 2022.

Image 1- Two roosters at yard

I just back from a grocery, the price quite surprising me, US$ 5.2 for the same amount and type of eggs.

If we compared to the last year, thus the price has increased triple or more than 300%.

Fantastic. Unbelievable price increasing for me. Don’t make you wonder: why this happen?

Image 2- Variety of pumpkins, illustration only

Yes, we do understand that inflation is uncontrollable in recent days, but never reached double digits.

Unfortunately, millions of hens have been slaughtered due to “bird flu” or “avian influenza” diseases.

Image 3- A dozen large white eggs sold in Walmart, just illustration.

As reported by “the Centers for Disease Control (CDC, January, 2023) that no less than 57 million hens are eliminated due to virus outbreak across America.

Hence, the eggs supplies are decreasing in great number. Price goes up in the market.

Did your places experience with avian virus diseases?

# Previous postings:


  1. De forma habitual, no.
    Pero de vez en cuando sí que ocurre.


  2. Not just eggs, everything is so much more expensive these days.

  3. The eggs are rarest to find. They are shopping is hard, the rich gets plenty and poorest feed get for smallest.

  4. Viruses are scariest. Everywhere in the world

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Million Chickens are Killed in the USA
      As far as I remember the cost of a dozen large white egg was about US$ 1.54 last year, January 2022.

  5. Em Portugal acontece o mesmo com os preços!!
    O que dizem os meu olhos
    Uma excelente semana.
    De melhoras, muito poucas! Beijos

  6. La subida de precios del mercado es increíble cada dia suben algo . Abrazos.

  7. I would not feel like eating any eggs, because if they are not infected, they are loaded with medicine!: ((

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Million Chickens are Killed in the USA
      As far as I remember the cost of a dozen large white egg was about US$ 1.54 last year, January 2022.

  8. It is common but we do not understand and do not think it has an impact on chicken farmers or farmers, who produce all the food.
    Best regards.

  9. Desde que empezó la guerra,todos los precios están disparados. el aceite de oliva subió de 3.65 € a 5.15 € y los huevos al doble de precio. los grandes están a 3.15 la docena. Cada día diferentes precios.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Million Chickens are Killed in the USA
      As far as I remember the cost of a dozen large white egg was about US$ 1.54 last year, January 2022.

  10. It's a very similar situation here in the UK. Eggs are now rationed to two boxes per person.

  11. Hello,
    Pretty chickens. It is sad about the Avian flu. The price of eggs seems to go higher each week we do our food shop. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  12. It's hit us hard here in Florida and our eggs are way up in price!

  13. Avian flu outbreak pops up in some states, but the affected states are quickly isolated. Prices never go that high here due to alternative supply from other states.

    1. Your country did great work...

      Thanks to visit my post-
      Million Chickens are Killed in the USA
      As far as I remember the cost of a dozen large white egg was about US$ 1.54 last year, January 2022.


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