Tuesday 17 January 2023

Mockingbirds are Permanent Residents of Our State – Nature 47

Since my photos are not sharp enough, just using a cellphone, I doubt to say what species of the bird I saw.

Image 1- A lonely mockingbird.

Through Google ID searching by image, the result said that the bird is the Northern Mockingbird.

Then, I believe with at least two reasons:

- the length size is quite similar to Robin
- length of tail is almost the same with its body
- body shape is slender

Moreover, why are Mockingbirds permanent residents of Louisiana state?

Image 2- A corner of suburban areas of our city

We may observe the Northern Mockingbirds through all seasons all seasons in our state, Louisiana.

Image 3- A Mockingbird sitting on the twig.

Hence, they are permanent residents of our state, not migratory birds come in from other states or regions.

In fact, mockingbirds are common birds. They seem well adapt to the city and residential areas. I often see this bird seeks insects nearby our neighborhood.

Did you observe Mockingbirds in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. Alguno he visto.
    Aquí hay más gaviotas y cotorras.


  2. Por los lados colombianos donde vivo, es un ave estacionaria y bella. Hasta tal punto que recuerdo al de letra de una canción: "una vez un ruiseñor con las alas extendidas..." Un abrazo. Carlos

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Mockingbirds are Permanent Residents of Our State – Nature 47
      Since my photos are not sharp enough, just using a cellphone, I doubt to say what species of the bird I saw.

  4. Parece un estornino.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Beautiful and petite mockingbird

  6. I'm not sure what it is but it sure is beautiful.
    Happy Wednesday!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Mockingbirds are Permanent Residents of Our State – Nature 47
      Since my photos are not sharp enough, just using a cellphone, I doubt to say what species of the bird I saw.

  8. Muito interessante! Gostei de saber...

  9. Soy incapaz de identificarlo.
    Muy interesante leerte.

  10. Great post on the Mockingbird. They are cool birds, I love to hear their sounds. We see them year round here too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy day and a great new week.

  11. Not a bird that we get here in the UK, so good to see yours.

  12. We see AND hear Mockingbirds here in Florida all the time. They are beautiful birds!


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