Monday, 30 January 2023

Sugarcane Sticks Sold in the Mexican Grocery – Food 36

I used to chew sugarcane sticks, off course after removing its outer layers, when I was a kid long time ago.

Image 1- Sugarcane sticks sold in the grocery.

Fun memory to select a good tree, cut tree with proper sizes, peel off the outer layers, and chewing its. Tastes so sweet.

I loved to drink sugarcane juice as well. As suggested by Raw Pressery (2021: 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice) that sugarcane juice has plenty of health benefits.

Just for few examples, sugarcane juice contains highly minerals, high source of vitamin C, low fats and low Glycemic index.

Image 2- Pine fruits, illustration only

By the way, when we visited an ethnic, Mexican grocery recently, we found sticks of sugarcane on the shelves.

Image 3- Sugarcane juice, sold in Walmart

Yes, USA has sugarcane farmings which produce millions ton of sugars, but first time saw sugarcane sticks on the market.

Have you chewed sugarcane sticks?

# Previous postings:


  1. Sugarcane juice is my childhood favorite

  2. When I was a kid, they were one of my favourites.

  3. No sabía ni lo que era.
    No los he probado jamás.

  4. Aquí, en Colombia donde vivo (Piedecuesta) fue una población productora de panela, gracias a sus cañales de azúcar y sus grandes haciendas trapicheras. Daba gusto ir al campo y cortar una caña, bajo el sol bravo y chupar los tallo hecho trocitos. Ya nadie cultiva la caña. Solo los que aún viven de la nostalgia, en las viejas haciendas de Bore.
    Un abrazo. Carlos

  5. Gostei da publicação. Obrigada :))
    Coisas de uma Vida
    Beijos e uma boa tarde!

  6. Thank you for this interesting post.

  7. When I was little, I guess...

  8. Al masticar palitos de caña de azúcar, te recuerda un tiempo de juventud gratificante y así sería por su dulzor...pero al estar transformada en bollería y otros no resulta tan gratificante.
    Un abrazo

  9. Deve ser bastante apetitoso!
    Beijinhos recheados de gratidão!
    😽💖😽Megy Maia

  10. Muchas gracias por compartir 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  11. Growing up, I used to chew sugarcane sticks too.

    Happy Thursday!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sugarcane Sticks Sold in the Mexican Grocery – Food 36
      I used to chew sugarcane sticks, off course after removing its outer layers, when I was a kid long time ago.


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