Saturday, 28 January 2023

Impacts of Winter Storms – Nature 49

We talked about “Winter Storms during Cold Season” at previous post:

- Rainbow Before Evening : Winter Storms during Cold Season – Nature 48

Image 1- Snow, several years ago.

Impact not only to an individual, but also to communities, and even to animals (pets or farming).

High speed and chilly winds may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths.

It is often that the storm has strong effect on many activities:

- travels
- business
- and school activities.

Image 02- Frozen, two years ago

Hundreds of flights may be canceled.

House maintenance is expensive during cold season. Snow and ice could cause on water pressure, sump pump and water temperature, then lead to plumbing problems.

Image 3- Frozen Ice at the backyard

Please avoiding hypothermia where our body may become freeze due to lack of blood circulation, thus body has extra worked when exposure to extreme cold by pushing more blood to keep lungs and heartwarming and working properly.

Finally, take care yourself during extreme temperature of cold storm.

# Previous postings:


  1. It's ice cold here though no too stay warm!

  2. Qué bonita es la nieve, aquí en mi ciudad hace mucho frío aunque el sol sigue brillando. Un abrazo, feliz domingo.

  3. Siguen los buenos consejos.
    Muchas gracias.

  4. Cold is relative...
    We think that around here, it's very, very cold -- 12/7ºC !: ))
    Have a good week.

  5. The sceneries in the snow are gorgeous

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Impacts of Winter Storms – Nature 49
      We talked about “Winter Storms during Cold Season” at previous post:
      - Rainbow Before Evening : Winter Storms during Cold Season – Nature 48

  6. Olá amiga,
    Úteis informações aqui nos deixas. É sempre bom sabermos um pouco mais sobre várias coisas.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  7. As much as I enjoy the beauty of snowfall, your tips are really handy for helping to make cold weather a positive experience!

  8. Bonitas fotografías 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Impacts of Winter Storms – Nature 49
      We talked about “Winter Storms during Cold Season” at previous post:
      - Rainbow Before Evening : Winter Storms during Cold Season – Nature 48


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