Friday 3 February 2023

Is Mockingbird a Smart Bird? - Science 32

We have talked at previous post about mockingbirds as permanent residents of our state: Mockingbirds are Permanent Residents of Our State – Nature 47

Image 1- A mockingbird on the branches

Actually, the pictures were taken after several days approaching the bird.

At the first, I saw a bird sitting on the branch of a tree at my office. When approaching, the bird flew away.

Second days, I move closer, but have no chance to take a picture. Then, obscure pictures are taken after third days.

I believe that the mockingbird “learning” day by day to recognize me. Then, Is Mockingbird a Smart Bird?

Image 2- Freezing temperature, illustration only

Yes, mockingbird is a smart bird as suggested by David Mizejewski (2023: Brainy Birds: America’s Smartest Bird Species).

It is true in my case, the mockingbird let me to take its picture with my cellphone in “safe distance” after several days.

Image 3- A mockingbird, the smart bird

Finally, It is said that mockingbirds able to mimic other bird songs such as hawks, jays and blackbirds

# Previous postings:


  1. Gracias a tu paciencia conseguiste convencerlo para que posara en la fotografía.



  2. Y tan inteligente, mira que como posa para ti. Gracias, creo que todo ser vivo es inteligente( cada uno en un grado más o menos). Un beso , feliz finde.

  3. Mockingbird is so good in hiding there

  4. It’s a pretty bird nonetheless!

  5. We have one here in our neighborhood and they are quite musical. They are pretty too. Good photos in your post!

  6. Hello,

    I love all the sounds coming from the Mockingbirds, great post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, I am sorry I am late commenting!

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Is Mockingbird a Smart Bird? - Science 32
      We have talked at previous post about mockingbirds as permanent residents of our state: Mockingbirds are Permanent Residents of Our State – Nature 47


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