Saturday 18 March 2023

A Mother Duck with Her 8 Eggs – Nature 56

This post is a continuation of the previous post:

- The Rainbow Before Evening : A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54

Image 1- A mother duck sitting on the eggs

One of our neighbors guessed wrongly, based on “an egg” color, the duck should be Mallard duck, he said.

Unfortunately, a duck is the Muscovy duck. She lays more and more eggs, from 3 eggs several days ago to 8 eggs as of today.

By searching through Google, the Muscovy ducks have several times to lay eggs in a year.

One clutch usually has 8 eggs to 13 eggs. The duck’s eggs usually take about 28 days to hatch.

Image 2- The eggs adding up to 8 eggs.

Image 3- The female Muscovy duck

The Muscovy duck may produce up to 120 eggs per year. The number is much less compared to Campbell or Khaki Campbell ducks which produce 340 eggs per year.

# Previous postings:


  1. En este blog aprendo muchas cosas.
    Feliz domingo.

  2. That's just cool. Soon we will see some baby ducks, I guess?

  3. La vida es siempre linda de ver en todas sus manifestaciones. Un abrazo..

  4. Hello,
    Cute duck, it is close to the window. That is a lot of eggs. I hope they all hatch into cute ducklings. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, Happy Sunday have a great new week!

    1. hopefully.....

      Thanks to visit my post-
      A Mother Duck with Her 8 Eggs – Nature 56
      This post is a continuation of the previous post:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54

  5. Wow! That is a lot of eggs. We have those ducks here and saw eggs near a small pond a few years ago and then went back to see the ducklings. They sure are cute!

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      A Mother Duck with Her 8 Eggs – Nature 56
      This post is a continuation of the previous post:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54

  6. Siempre interesante venir a leerte.
    Bravo 👏 👏👏

  7. Vaya si hay variedades de patos que no sólo ofrecen sus huevos, sino su carne. Claro que hay que saberla preparar, y ello depende de que se sacrifique el pato, para que no sepa como dicen por aquí, "a tierra". Un abrazo, y cuán instructivo es tu blog. Un abrazo. carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      A Mother Duck with Her 8 Eggs – Nature 56
      This post is a continuation of the previous post:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54

  8. Conheço patos, são lindos quando pequenos!
    quando nasce já sabe nadar!

    Boa semana com muita paz.

  9. I thought you came to see the duck with the children in line ...
    A good week, RB

  10. Hello :=)
    The duck does lay a lot of eggs, We have had the Muscovy Duck on the farm, and the chicks are so cute, and so are the ducklings.
    All the best.

    1. Indeed...

      Thanks to visit my post-
      A Mother Duck with Her 8 Eggs – Nature 56
      This post is a continuation of the previous post:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54


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