Tuesday, 7 March 2023

A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54

We have an empty (no plants) pot on the patio, and planned to sow flower’s seed by next summer.

Image 1- Three eggs in the pot.

A couple day ago, we saw 3 eggs in the pot. Since the eggs bigger than chicken’s eggs size, then we guessed the eggs belong to a duck.

What species of a duck is?

One of neighbors suggested that the duck should be a Mallard, it is because one of eggs with “light blue” color. We don’t know whether true or not, we have no idea at all.

Anas platyrhynchos is a scientific name for the Mallard, and common duck species in the USA.

Image 2- A Mallard in the city park

We think it is better to wait “mother duck” to come to see her eggs, then we know the species of duck.

Meanwhile, we keep watching the eggs from the raccoons. A lot of raccoon in our areas, they love eggs like crazy.

Image 3- Is green one belongs to Mallard?

What do you think?

# Previous postings:


  1. Es curioso ver a los patos cuidar sus crías.
    Gracias por tan interesantes temas que nos ofreces en cada una de tus entrada. Un feliz día.

  2. Thank you for this interesting post.

  3. Pienso que vives en un lugar privilegiado.
    Tienes mucha naturaleza a tu alrededor.
    Te felicito.


    1. Thanks to visit my posting-
      A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54
      We have an empty (no plants) pot on the patio, and planned to sow flower’s seed by next summer.

  4. Really interesting news...
    Pleasant days.

    1. Thanks to visit my posting-
      A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54

  5. It's a good thing you're watching over the duck eggs.

  6. Oh wow... that's incredible and so exciting! What a fun surprise to find!

    1. Thanks to visit my posting-
      A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54
      We have an empty (no plants) pot on the patio, and planned to sow flower’s seed by next summer.

  7. Qué curioso! 👍👍👏👏

  8. That is interesting to see the eggs in the pot. I have never seen duck eggs, would they leave their eggs in your post. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

  9. I hope it goes well with the eggs,

    1. Hopefully....

      Thanks to visit my posting-
      A Duck Lays Eggs in the Pot – Nature 54
      We have an empty (no plants) pot on the patio, and planned to sow flower’s seed by next summer.


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