Sunday, 30 April 2023

Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 1 - Brain Plasticity 4

Stress is one of important experiences for parents to have a baby. But, parenting provides other opportunities such as learning and enrichment.

Image 1- Maternal and brain plasticity 
(credit to Semanticscholar).

These experiences would change the parent’s brain significantly. Hormonal changes have impacted on the brain region that relates to mood and cognitive adjustment or adaptation.

During pregnancy, parturition and lactation, then followed by mother and infant contact will influence female hormones.

During these important periods, hormones were regulated by decreasing estrogen, but increasing prolactin and oxytocin. The expression of parenting was indicated by present of prolactin and oxytocin in substantial amount.

Image 2- Crowd of people on the street

Prolactin and oxytocin hormones collaborate to maintain feeling and milk production during care offspring.

In specific, hormone of prolactin is to elevate lactation activity. The lactation is processing to produce milk, where milk is pivotal for a baby to develop immune system.

Image 3- Colorful flowers, illustration

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Human body is such a complicated yet intelligent machine!

  2. Olá amiga,
    O stress é uma doença muito complexa. Que nos causa muitos transtornos emocionais, e não só.
    Excelentes informações aqui nos trazes, sobre essa doença.
    Deixo os meus votos de um bom feriado, e ótima semana.

    Mário Margaride

  3. Muy interesante.
    Sigo aprendiendo.

    1. Thanks for visiting my post-
      Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 1 - Brain Plasticity 4
      Stress is one of important experiences for parents to have a baby. But, parenting provides other opportunities such as learning and enrichment.

  4. The brain is such a funny thing.

  5. The correlation between behavior and hormones is a fascinating topic. It's especially interesting to see how caring for a baby can increase oxytocin.

  6. I wish to unlock my brain neuroplasticity

  7. This is very interesting, thanks for sharing.

  8. Siempre interesantes tus entradas 👏🏼👏🏼

    1. Indeed ....

      Thanks for visiting my post-
      Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 1 - Brain Plasticity 4
      Stress is one of important experiences for parents to have a baby. But, parenting provides other opportunities such as learning and enrichment.


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