Friday 26 May 2023

Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 1 - Science 38

Renewable resources for energy such as wind and sun are getting popular in our state, and might be in many states in the USA right now.

Image 1- Solar panels, sold at Home Depot

There are plenty reasons why people eager to use these resources, one of them is stable prices.

In case of solar energy, our neighbors consider several benefits to install solar panels on their rooftops are:

- federal incentive of tax credit
- additional the tax credit incentive is provided by some states.
- increase housing value
- and saving electricity cost for years

Image 2- Roses, just for illustration

Louisiana state does not give additional tax credit, but provide property tax exemption. Let’s say, we as Louisiana residents will get:

- 30% tax credit from federal government of solar panels cost.
- excluded added value of property tax.

Image 3- A house with solar panels at our neighborhood.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. More and more solar panels are install here.
    We have to use this "free" energy if we have to save our planet !
    Have a nice weekend !

  2. Esperemos que estos paneles sean la solución para mejorar el medio ambiente. . Un buen fin de semana . besos

  3. They are very popular over here too!

    1. I think, solar panels are more popular in Europe...

      Thank you-
      Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 1 - Science 38
      Renewable resources for energy such as wind and sun are getting popular in our state, and might be in many states in the USA right now.

  4. Interesante experiencia ña de este panel solar para no contaminar. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thank you for coming-
      Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 1 - Science 38
      Renewable resources for energy such as wind and sun are getting popular in our state, and might be in many states in the USA right now.

  5. Here they are popular. We are planning to install the panels over the roof of my daughter's house.

    1. Thank you-
      Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 1 - Science 38

  6. Our tropical climate is perfect for solar energy.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. absolutely right...

      Thank you for visiting-
      Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 1 - Science 38
      Renewable resources for energy such as wind and sun are getting popular in our state, and might be in many states in the USA right now.

  7. Muy interesante opción. Cada vez hay más gente que opta por esta solución.


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