Wednesday, 29 November 2023

A Little Fig Tree in the Yard - Nature 110

 Many people love fig fruit, but some avoids consuming it because of sweetness or high calorie contents, especially for diabetes patients.

Image 1 - A little fig tree in the yard.

The scientific name of fig tree is Ficus carica. Other names of fig tree are edible fig tree, common fig tree or just a fig tree.

The plant native to Asia and Mediterranean regions, hence, it is good to grow in the states with warmer climate.

We may find this plant in the states such as:
- Louisiana, Texas, Florida
- California, Oregon
- Georgia, North Carolina and many others.

Image 2- The plant starts to produce fruit.

If we plant the fig trees in our yard, they could produce the first fruit about 4 years. Some people said between 3 to 6 years.

Image 3 - The young fig fruit.

The timing to begin to bear fruit, sure, depend on several factors, some of them are:
- variety
- climates
- and growing conditions.

Image 4 - The ripe fruit, ready to be picked up.

From the time fruit emerges (sets), the ripe of fruit needs about 70 day, then the fruits are ready to be picked up.  

Image 5 - Several ripe figs fruit.

Price of fig fruit is relative expensive compared to other 10 favorite fruits sold by many groceries, includes Walmart.

Image 6 - The fig plant, green.

Do you like fig's fruit?

# Previous postings:


  1. We have a lot a fig tree species in Portugal. I have 2 different.
    I like them fresh or in jam...
    Have a nice day !

  2. Un fruto sabroso y con mucha energía que nos aporta al organismo. Un abrazo.

    1. Thank you-
      A Little Fig Tree in the Yard - Nature 110
      Many people love fig fruit, but some avoids consuming it because of sweetness or high calorie contents, especially for diabetes patients.

  3. My husband enjoys them in his salads.

    1. I see....

      Thank you-
      A Little Fig Tree in the Yard - Nature 110

  4. É um dos frutos que mais gosto. Principalmente figos secos.
    Excelente partilha, amiga.
    Votos de um feliz fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      A Little Fig Tree in the Yard - Nature 110

  5. A delicious fruit. We have 2 fig trees in our backyard (and not only....).

    1. indeed....

      Thank you-
      A Little Fig Tree in the Yard - Nature 110

  6. Me encantan los higos frescos y también secos.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Empiezo a seguirte , así no me pierdo tus publicaciones.

    2. Thank you-
      A Little Fig Tree in the Yard - Nature 110

  7. Hello,
    I do not have figs often, but they are yummy. It would be nice to have a fig tree. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  8. Thanks for sharing your lovely fruit trees

    My mosaic is HERE


  9. Joining you from Mosaic Monday! I love figs. When I was young, we ate many Fig Newtons - they must have been inexpensive, or my mother would not have bought them. These days, occasionally my husband will buy dried figs - so good!!! And fig jam - incredible with cheese and crackers!!!

  10. Thank you being part at


    with this lovely post. Greetings by Heidrun

    1. Thank you-
      A Little Fig Tree in the Yard - Nature 110
      Many people love fig fruit, but some avoids consuming it because of sweetness or high calorie contents, especially for diabetes patients.


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