Saturday 27 November 2021

A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5

Fig 01- Books for illustration only

You may read previous postings (Part 1):

7) Repairing abandoned houses

- reached target based on schedule within 1,000 days for 1,000 homes.

8) Almost triple permit in term of values.

- in the first term, permits values for construction projects increasing from US$69 millions to US$190 millions.

9) Raising pay

- city workers got increasing pay per hour

10) Growth of Latino population

- from almost zero to 15% of city population.
- Buttigieg able to communicate in Spanish

Then he became a rising star since he decided to enter the Democratic Party Presidential race in the beginning of 2020.

Fig 02- One of old properties

The New York Times revealed about him: “The first openly gay major Presidential Candidate”.

Fig 03- One of resident homes

Exactly. He is millennial. He is gay, and he is married.

Fig 04- Tall tree in the yard of resident home.

In a perfect moment, when he launched his presidential campaign, he introduced his honored husband, Chasten, to the public.

Fig 05- Chasten Buttigieg (Credit: Pete Buttigieg)

Chasten is always ready on his side, embrace him, and hug him.

With Pete, Chasten feels so loved. In this book, he tells us about his life, his love, and his married.

He talks about his personal life and love in a straightforward way, very easy to follow and understand. He confesses about his feeling at the first moment met his husband.

Reading this book, I felt like I am listening my best friend talking to me who is a warm, funny, and honest human being.

# Previous postings:


  1. Obrigada pela visita ao meu cantinho
    Adorei a foto do mar .
    Bom fim de semana

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5

    2. A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5

  2. Já faz algum tempo que não leio um livro. Acho que seria o momento certo, pois só então controlava a ansiedade.

    Tenha uma boa noite.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5

    2. A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5

  3. No lo sabía.
    Gracias por la información.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5

    2. A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5

  4. Hola , muy interesante el reportaje.
    Buen día.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5
      Fig 01- Books for illustration only
      You may read previous postings (Part 1):
      - A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 1 – Reading 5

      7) Repairing abandoned houses
      - reached target based on schedule within 1,000 days for 1,000 homes.

      8) Almost triple permit in term of values.
      - in the first term, permits values for construction projects increasing from US$69 millions to US$190 millions.

      9) Raising pay
      - city workers got increasing pay per hour

      10) Growth of Latino population
      - from almost zero to 15% of city population.
      - Buttigieg able to communicate in Spanish

      Then he became a rising star since he decided to enter the Democratic Party Presidential race in the beginning of 2020.

  5. Hola , lo desconocía, me parece muy interesante. saludos¡¡¡

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5
      Fig 02- One of old properties

      The New York Times revealed about him: “The first openly gay major Presidential Candidate”.

  6. Buenas ilustraciones que amenizan tu interesante información.

    Mi fotografía preferida es la última. Me gusta esa puesta de solo, por los hermosos colores que se disingue en ella.

    Te deseo una buen semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5
      Fig 03- One of resident homes

      Exactly. He is millennial. He is gay, and he is married.

  7. Siempre interesante lo que publicas. Saludos a la distancia,.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5
      Fig 04- Tall tree in the yard of resident home.

      In a perfect moment, when he launched his presidential campaign, he introduced his honored husband, Chasten, to the public.

  8. Interesting report. I didn't know him before reading your posts.
    Have a good week ahead.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5
      Fig 05- Chasten Buttigieg (Credit: Pete Buttigieg)

      Chasten is always ready on his side, embrace him, and hug him.

      With Pete, Chasten feels so loved. In this book, he tells us about his life, his love, and his married.

      He talks about his personal life and love in a straightforward way, very easy to follow and understand. He confesses about his feeling at the first moment met his husband.

      Reading this book, I felt like I am listening my best friend talking to me who is a warm, funny, and honest human being.

      # Previous postings:
      - Visitor My Blogger - 12 Countries in 3 Days
      - Cold Morning at My Workplace, Baton Rouge, USA
      - Local Event Called as “Mardi Gras” In Louisiana, USA
      - Making Perfume in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory - Science 1
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 1

  9. Un artículo interesante el que nos ofreces. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5
      Fig 01- Books for illustration only

      You may read previous postings (Part 1):
      - A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 1 – Reading 5

      7) Repairing abandoned houses
      - reached target based on schedule within 1,000 days for 1,000 homes.

      8) Almost triple permit in term of values.
      - in the first term, permits values for construction projects increasing from US$69 millions to US$190 millions.

      9) Raising pay
      - city workers got increasing pay per hour

      10) Growth of Latino population
      - from almost zero to 15% of city population.
      - Buttigieg able to communicate in Spanish

      Then he became a rising star since he decided to enter the Democratic Party Presidential race in the beginning of 2020.


Satsumas are Turning to a Brownish Color - Food 45

We have a Satsuma tree at our backyard, the tree is about 15 years old,   it has produced really pretty satsumas every year, Image 01 - Bro...