Tuesday 11 January 2022

Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

Fig 01- An icy tree in the garden

Impact of a winter storm not only to individual, but also to:

- community
- and even to animals

Thousands of pets wandering, missing from homeowners. Many farming animals are dead, then lead to lost millions of dollars.

High and chilly wind may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths. In Texas alone, about 246 death tolls in this year winter storm.

It is often that the storm has strong effect on travel, business and school activities. Hundreds of flights may be canceled.

Fig 02- Cold temperature

House maintenance is expensive during cold season.

Snow and ice could cause on water pressure, sump pump and water temperature, then lead to plumbing problems.

Fig 03- After winter storm, last year

Hypothermia is a condition where our body may become freeze due to lack of blood circulation.

Fig 04- Freezing at the garden

Thus, body has extra worked when exposure to extreme cold by pushing more blood to keep lungs and heartwarming and working properly:

You might know some simple methods to avoid Hypothermia are:

- stay indoor
- wear dry and warm cloths
- cover hands with mittens
- keep head with hats
- cover feet

Take care yourself during extreme temperature of cold storm.

# Previous postings:


  1. Penalty of the rains that drags everything including those small animals.

    1. True...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

      You may read previous posting (Part 1):
      - Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

    2. Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

  2. Tremendas esas lluvias.
    Muy interesante leerte.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- An icy tree in the garden
      Impact of a winter storm not only to individual, but also to:

      - community
      - and even to animals
      Thousands of pets wandering, missing from homeowners. Many farming animals are dead, then lead to lost millions of dollars.

      High and chilly wind may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths. In Texas alone, about 246 death tolls in this year winter storm.

      It is often that the storm has strong effect on travel, business and school activities. Hundreds of flights may be canceled.

    2. Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

  3. wishing a great moth

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 02- Cold temperature

      House maintenance is expensive during cold season.

      Snow and ice could cause on water pressure, sump pump and water temperature, then lead to plumbing problems.

    2. Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

  4. Wow, how much rain!
    Be careful to stay safe my friend!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

      You may read previous posting (Part 1):
      - Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  5. Those who don't feel winter on their skin always see the images in a poetic way. Winter seen in pictures is beautiful, but in real life it is stinging!

    1. you are right....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 03- After winter storm, last year

      Hypothermia is a condition where our body may become freeze due to lack of blood circulation.

  6. Veo en las noticias que por allá esta horrible, cuídate amiga. Saludos. Por acá frio y muchos infectados....

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 04- Freezing at the garden

      Thus, body has extra worked when exposure to extreme cold by pushing more blood to keep lungs and heartwarming and working properly:

      You might know some simple methods to avoid Hypothermia are:
      - stay indoor
      - wear dry and warm cloths
      - cover hands with mittens
      - keep head with hats
      - cover feet

      Take care yourself during extreme temperature of cold storm.

      # Previous postings:

      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 2 – Reading 3
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 2 - Food 8

  7. La hipotermia puede ser peligrosa.
    Hay que tener mucho cuidado.


  8. Interesting post. Here we don't have a winter like that but your advices are very useful.
    I often think to the animal problems during the storms. In winter I always put food in the garden for the birds.

    1. I see....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- An icy tree in the garden
      Impact of a winter storm not only to individual, but also to:

      - community
      - and even to animals
      Thousands of pets wandering, missing from homeowners. Many farming animals are dead, then lead to lost millions of dollars.

      High and chilly wind may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths. In Texas alone, about 246 death tolls in this year winter storm.

      It is often that the storm has strong effect on travel, business and school activities. Hundreds of flights may be canceled.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 02- Cold temperature

      House maintenance is expensive during cold season.

      Snow and ice could cause on water pressure, sump pump and water temperature, then lead to plumbing problems.

  10. La tormenta y el frío extremo pueden llevarnos a situaciónes tan dificiles como estas
    Una muy buena descripción del alto nivel de congelación al que podemos llegar
    Me ha gustado mucho
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 03- After winter storm, last year

      Hypothermia is a condition where our body may become freeze due to lack of blood circulation.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 04- Freezing at the garden

      Thus, body has extra worked when exposure to extreme cold by pushing more blood to keep lungs and heartwarming and working properly:

      You might know some simple methods to avoid Hypothermia are:
      - stay indoor
      - wear dry and warm cloths
      - cover hands with mittens
      - keep head with hats
      - cover feet

      Take care yourself during extreme temperature of cold storm.

      # Previous postings:

      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 2 – Reading 3
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 2 - Food 8

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

      You may read previous posting (Part 1):
      - Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  13. Las variaciones climáticas a las que aludes Rainbow Evening, en este relato, sin lugar a dudas provocan numerosos problemas de infraestructura y del habitáculo cuyo acondicionar lleva implícito un mayor gasto, como bien dices...
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- An icy tree in the garden

      Impact of a winter storm not only to individual, but also to:
      - community
      - and even to animals

      Thousands of pets wandering, missing from homeowners. Many farming animals are dead, then lead to lost millions of dollars.

      High and chilly wind may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths. In Texas alone, about 246 death tolls in this year winter storm.

      It is often that the storm has strong effect on travel, business and school activities. Hundreds of flights may be canceled.

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 02- Cold temperature

      House maintenance is expensive during cold season.

      Snow and ice could cause on water pressure, sump pump and water temperature, then lead to plumbing problems.

  15. Be careful with winter season

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 03- After winter storm, last year

      Hypothermia is a condition where our body may become freeze due to lack of blood circulation.

  16. Lindo!
    Megy Maia 🍃🌻🍃

    1. Fig 04- Freezing at the garden
      Thus, body has extra worked when exposure to extreme cold by pushing more blood to keep lungs and heartwarming and working properly:

      You might know some simple methods to avoid Hypothermia are:

      - stay indoor
      - wear dry and warm cloths
      - cover hands with mittens
      - keep head with hats
      - cover feet
      Take care yourself during extreme temperature of cold storm.

      # Previous postings:

      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 2 – Reading 3
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 2 - Food 8

  17. Olá amiga.
    Assim é minha amiga. As temperaturas extremas, causam infelizmente demasiados estragos em todos os aspetos.

    Continuação de boa semana.


    Mário Margaride


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

      You may read previous posting (Part 1):
      - Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  18. DE lo que mayormente hay que cuidarse, las temperaturas extremas que, generan estragos en la salud. Un brazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- An icy tree in the garden

      Impact of a winter storm not only to individual, but also to:
      - community
      - and even to animals

      Thousands of pets wandering, missing from homeowners. Many farming animals are dead, then lead to lost millions of dollars.

      High and chilly wind may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths. In Texas alone, about 246 death tolls in this year winter storm.

      It is often that the storm has strong effect on travel, business and school activities. Hundreds of flights may be canceled.

  19. Hola, hay que cuidarse mucho, las tormentas causan muchos problemas. Feliz día.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 02- Cold temperature

      House maintenance is expensive during cold season.

      Snow and ice could cause on water pressure, sump pump and water temperature, then lead to plumbing problems.

  20. Belas fotos minha amiga, temperatura baixa não é bom!


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 03- After winter storm, last year

      Hypothermia is a condition where our body may become freeze due to lack of blood circulation.

  21. Olá amiga, cuide-se muito!
    Tenha uma feliz sexta-feira.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 04- Freezing at the garden

      Thus, body has extra worked when exposure to extreme cold by pushing more blood to keep lungs and heartwarming and working properly:

      You might know some simple methods to avoid Hypothermia are:
      - stay indoor
      - wear dry and warm cloths
      - cover hands with mittens
      - keep head with hats
      - cover feet
      Take care yourself during extreme temperature of cold storm.

      # Previous postings:
      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 2 – Reading 3
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 2 - Food 8

  22. As tempestades de inverno podem ser mesmo muito destruidoras, seja pela neve, vento ou chuva.
    Bom fim de semana, querida amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

      You may read previous posting (Part 1):
      - Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  23. Es tiempo de frío y hay que abrigarse. Buenas fotos.
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- An icy tree in the garden

      Impact of a winter storm not only to individual, but also to:
      - community
      - and even to animals

      Thousands of pets wandering, missing from homeowners. Many farming animals are dead, then lead to lost millions of dollars.

      High and chilly wind may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths. In Texas alone, about 246 death tolls in this year winter storm.

      It is often that the storm has strong effect on travel, business and school activities. Hundreds of flights may be canceled.

  24. Excellent and enlightening post. Here where I live (Lisbon) although in winter the temperatures are lower, the weather is never so rigorous. In February I will visit my son who is studying in Sweden, and I will have to follow all these methods, to avoid health problems.

    1. I see... good luck to your son...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 02- Cold temperature

      House maintenance is expensive during cold season.

      Snow and ice could cause on water pressure, sump pump and water temperature, then lead to plumbing problems.

  25. Very good points.

    This winter looks very cold.

    Thanks a lot

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 03- After winter storm, last year

      Hypothermia is a condition where our body may become freeze due to lack of blood circulation.

  26. Olá amiga.
    Passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 04- Freezing at the garden

      Thus, body has extra worked when exposure to extreme cold by pushing more blood to keep lungs and heartwarming and working properly:

      You might know some simple methods to avoid Hypothermia are:
      - stay indoor
      - wear dry and warm cloths
      - cover hands with mittens
      - keep head with hats
      - cover feet
      Take care yourself during extreme temperature of cold storm.

      # Previous postings:
      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 2 – Reading 3
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 1 - Food 8
      - When should I get the Botox Cosmetic? - Part 1 – Healthy Life 16
      - The Surprising Fact - Cooked Shrimps are Cheaper than Raw Ones – Part 2 - Food 8

  27. These photos are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

      You may read previous posting (Part 1):
      - Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

  28. Excelente y informativo post, es una pena como en unos minuto puedes perderlo todo. Aquí ahora es invierno pero para la época que estamos, hay buenas temperaturas.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16
      Fig 01- An icy tree in the garden

      Impact of a winter storm not only to individual, but also to:
      - community
      - and even to animals

      Thousands of pets wandering, missing from homeowners. Many farming animals are dead, then lead to lost millions of dollars.

      High and chilly wind may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths. In Texas alone, about 246 death tolls in this year winter storm.

      It is often that the storm has strong effect on travel, business and school activities. Hundreds of flights may be canceled.


The Black Soldier Flies (Hermetia illucens) - Nature 136

The fly is found inside the house. Based on GoogleID, it is suggested the fly is a Black soldier with scientific name Hermetia illucens . Im...