Saturday 12 November 2022

Have You Planned to Exit Twitter Account?

As you might know that after Elon Musk take over, Twitter seems “chaos” with several reasons.

Image 1- Image of Mastodon and Twitter (credit to Google).

At least, in my thought there are 3 (three) crucial reasons lead to “chaos” in Twitter social media:

1- First, Elon Musk “fired” thousands of Twitter’s employees include who monitors hates, bully and other nonsense speeches which spreading through out Twitter

2- Idea of “absolute freedom of speech” makes many people disagree, include big and important advertisers.

Image 2- Giant sun-gold sunflower

3- US$ 8 monthly fee for subscribers. As far as I know, no social medias have subscribed fee. Yes, there are some social medias have provided “pay” accounts, but not compulsory, just optional.

Image 3- Azalea, illustration

These 3 main reasons drive out not only million Twitter users, but also great number of advisers.

Twitter annual revenue is US$ 5.08 billion, about 90% is coming from advertising. Many big advertisers such as General Motors, Ford, Mondelez, General Mills and many more.

Do you Twitter users? If yes, do you plan exit Twitter?

What is your main reason to stay or exit Twitter?

# Previous postings:


  1. I have never seen a sun-gold sunflower before...really beautiful. I am twitter user, but I hardly engage anything there.

    1. ... great flower...

      Have You Planned to Exit Twitter Account?
      As you might know that after Elon Musk take over, Twitter seems “chaos” with several reasons.

  2. I am a twitter user and I don't have a community there full stop

    1. Thanks-
      Have You Planned to Exit Twitter Account?
      As you might know that after Elon Musk take over, Twitter seems “chaos” with several reasons.

  3. Lindas fotos de girasol y azalea nos muestras…amen de esos avatares del pájaro azul al que parece le han recortado las alas…A Los sueños de libertad hay que acotarlos no sea qué…
    Un abrazo

  4. Que lindo colores , dan vida y fuerza. Un lindo domingo.

  5. No soy usuario de Twitter.
    Lo fui hace unos años y me fui porque más que una red social me pareció un bar de borrachos.

  6. No sé, de momento no he notado nada nuevo... También puede ser que no me entere, eh! jeje


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