Friday 11 November 2022

Mediterranean Diet and Alzheimer's Prevention – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 11

From the acronym SHIELD, a new hope to prevent dementia in last week's entry, the letter D in the last word is stand for diet.

Image 1- Menu for Alzheimer's diseases.

You may read the previous posts about SHIELD:

The doctors mention that gut health tied to brain health, and have suggested Mediterranean as one of the best diets.

It will help the risk of Alzheimer's in “a half.”

Image 2- Pine’s fruit, illustration

Image 3- Wild pink lily, illustration

What is the Mediterranean diet? Is it a kind of awesome food from Mediterranean restaurants such as a plate of lamb shank or a piece of Italian pizza?

Mediterranean diet that Doctors recommend is based on the traditional fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and good fats.

The diet from the countries which border with the Mediterranean Sea. The food is rich with legumes and seeds.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous posting:


  1. Gostei da publicação :)
    Bom fim de semana!!

  2. Good to know that the mediterranean diet helps!

  3. There are indeed many benefits to a Mediterranean diet. Great info!
    Happy Saturday!

  4. Seria muito bom que surgisse algo para parar com o avanço do Alzheimer.
    É uma doença terrível.

    Bom fim de semana com saúde e paz.

    Beijinhos 🌷

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Mediterranean Diet and Alzheimer's Prevention – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 11
      From the acronym SHIELD, a new hope to prevent dementia in last week's entry, the letter D in the last word is stand for diet.


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