Monday 14 November 2022

Wild Bees are Visiting My Backyard – Part 2 - Nature 43

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43

Image 1- Pure raw honey from our neighborhood.

Naturally, the word “honeycomb” has multiple purposes:

- housing for brood, included capped larvae, larvae and eggs
- storing pollen, nectar and honey.

Moreover, I familiar with the word's honeybees, bumble bees and wild bees, but honestly, I do not know differences of these critters. I just saw many bees come to my backyard.

They were abundance in the spring, then the number reduced in the summer. But bees still appear in the early fall.

Image 2- The bee on the wildflower, it may pollinate or take pollen

Image 3- Artificial beehives at our neighborhood.

They seem visit our backyard to pollinate my flowers and fruit plants, some of them are:

- orange quash,
- tangerine orange
- figs.
- blackberry and strawberry

The bees also collect pollen and nectar from plant flowers and wild flowers.

It is said that honeybees are outnumber the other bees, hence they are most important of pollinators in nature.

Do you know differences of honeybees, bumble bees and other wild bees?

# Previous postings


  1. No conozco la diferencia.
    No soporto a los insectos... sean los que sean.

  2. O mel é sem dúvida importante. Tem várias funções no nosso organismo.
    Excelente partilha, amiga.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  3. Muy interesante, me encanta la miel

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Bees are Visiting My Backyard – Part 2 - Nature 43
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43

  5. Eu não conheço as diferenças das abelhas, mas gosto de mel!
    Uma boa semana!

  6. Que rica y buena es la miel , aparte que sus nutrientes nos favorecen en mil cosas al organismo . Un saludo en la noche.

  7. I really do have a hard time telling which bees are honeybees. That is so amazing you are able to harvest your own honey!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Wild Bees are Visiting My Backyard – Part 2 - Nature 43
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43

  8. Siempre interesantes tus entradas. 👏👏

  9. Hello,
    I love to buy the local honey. We have a local farm store that sells the honey. Pretty shot of the bee on the flower. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I wish you joy and peace and all the best in 2023. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy day.

  10. Your posts are so informative. Great shot of the bee on flower. Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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