Saturday, 18 February 2023

The Crazy Chicken Pollo Loco at Neighborhood – Food 38

As you know that Pollo Loco is a Spanish word for crazy chicken in English. We have the franchise restaurant called as “El Pollo Loco.”

Image 1- Food truck of Crazy chicken.

The “El Pollo Loco” has headquarter in California with about 500 branches all over the USA.

A food truck called as “My PolloLoco” always visit our neighborhood from afternoon (around 5 PM) until night (before 10 PM).

We believe that “My PolloLoco” is not part of “El Pollo Loco” franchises. It is a local owner, a kind of small business to sell Mexican foods with Louisiana or American flavors.

Sure, the price is quite reasonable.

Image 2- Grilled chicken, one of menus

Food trucks like restaurants must pass inspections from relevant agencies for their cleanliness, food qualities and even locations or hours of business.

We have been eating from variety of local food trucks for over 15 years; never had cleanliness and food quality issues.

In addition to grilled chicken, I love several menus such as Taco, Quesadilla and many other Mexican cuisines.

Image 3- Quesadilla, other menus.

Have you this kind of food truck in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. I don't eat fast food at all..homemade is my go to foodtruck :-)

  2. No hay ese tipo de franquicias cerca de casa.
    Yo como pollo a l'ast a veces... pero lo compro en tiendas que tienen unos asadores para ello:


  3. Por aquí en Colombia no. Toca ir directamente a los asaderos de pollo, eso mismo que en el Perú llaman Pollerías. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      The Crazy Chicken Pollo Loco at Neighborhood – Food 38

  4. Muy rico, feliz domingo .

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      The Crazy Chicken Pollo Loco at Neighborhood – Food 38
      As you know that Pollo Loco is a Spanish word for crazy chicken in English. We have the franchise restaurant called as “El Pollo Loco.”

  5. I go for kebabs with local food trucks all the time

  6. I don't like fast food stores, they are killing us.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      The Crazy Chicken Pollo Loco at Neighborhood – Food 38
      As you know that Pollo Loco is a Spanish word for crazy chicken in English. We have the franchise restaurant called as “El Pollo Loco.”

  8. Muito bom frango. É sem dúvida um petisco que muito gosto.
    Ótima partilha, minha amiga.
    Votos de um bom carnaval e feliz semana.

    Mário Margaride

  9. How fun... this looks delicious! I love trying tasty new things from local food trucks!

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      The Crazy Chicken Pollo Loco at Neighborhood – Food 38
      As you know that Pollo Loco is a Spanish word for crazy chicken in English. We have the franchise restaurant called as “El Pollo Loco.”


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