Tuesday, 14 February 2023

The United States Produces and Exports Dates Fruit – Food 37

I know the Middle East countries are the main producers and exporters of dates fruit in the world. In fact top 5 producers come from this region.

Image 1- Dates sold in the American grocery.

Here the top 5 dates producers in the world, data from FAO (2019):

- Egypt, 1.60 million tons
- Saudi Arabia, 1.54 million tons
- Iran, 1.31 million tons
- Algeria, 1.14 million tons
- Iraq, 0.64 million tons

What surprising me that USA not only produces dates, but also exports the fruit to some other countries.

Image 2- Dates in the boxes

America is ranked 15th as world date producer. Total production was 56,000 ton in 2019.

The production is quite higher compared to other middle east countries such as Israel, Qatar and Jordan.

In term of export, USA sent dates fruit to Canada, Australia and Mexico in 2021 to 2022.

Image 3- Dates, ready to be consumed

Have you tasted dates?

# Previous postings:


  1. I love dates. They are delicacy.

  2. Here we have lots of dates from Algeria. I like to bake with dates.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      The United States Produces and Exports Dates Fruit – Food 37
      I know the Middle East countries are the main producers and exporters of dates fruit in the world. In fact top 5 producers come from this region.

  3. I had no idea that the US exports dates to Mexico! After all, isn't Southern California the top producer?

    I'll be away -- on brief break -- for a while to organize my blogs.
    Best regards.

  4. Un producto rico en muchas cosas, que a nuestro organismo le viene muy bien, como es el potasio y al magnesio , entre otras mucha.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Sí que los he probado.
    Pero no me gustan mucho.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The United States Produces and Exports Dates Fruit – Food 37
      I know the Middle East countries are the main producers and exporters of dates fruit in the world. In fact top 5 producers come from this region.

  6. Dates are good but I don't have to have them often.

  7. Mi piacciono molo ti datteri, li adoro a fare i dolci!!!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The United States Produces and Exports Dates Fruit – Food 37
      I know the Middle East countries are the main producers and exporters of dates fruit in the world. In fact top 5 producers come from this region.


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