Wednesday 14 February 2024

A Fox Crossing the Street at Neighborhood Recently - Nature 123

When drive our car, we saw a fox passing our car at one of our neighborhood corners just few days ago. 

Image 01 - A fox from a distance.

Actually, our first respond that "oh, look is that fox?." Then, we had to circle around to check it out.

We hardly seeing a fox around, and they are smaller than you might imagine. From several readings (please Google it), reminding us that foxes are generally not going to harm us humans and our pets. 

No, the foxes are not harmful to our lovely pets (dogs or cats) as they are about the same sizes. Many of our neighbors believe that the coyotes that we would have to worry about.

Image 02 - A dog, just for illustration.

# Important postings:

Image 03 - Flowers, just illustration.

One neighbor found one fox laying on the ground in the grass beside her dog. Both seemed totally relaxed. 

Image 04 - A little Kitty, could be attacked by Fox.

So, let them be and allow them to live in nature without human intervention. Interesting sight for the night though.  

Image 05 - A plant with red flowers, illustration.

Leave the fox and her kits alone. They are not hurting anything and will help keep the rodent population down.

Image 06 - A fox at yard, neighborhood. 

Have you seen foxes around your neighborhood?

## Previous postings:


  1. Would have never imagined seeing a fox in our neighbourhood! How cool!

  2. Che bella la volpe 😍 Non ne ho mai viste dal vivo.
    Hai dato proprio un bel consiglio, lasciamo in pace questi poveri animali che sono innocui.
    Un saluto

  3. Qué guapo está el zorro. Muy buenos días.

  4. Foxes are beautiful and needed...
    They are rare here...
    Have a nice day !

  5. I did not see a fox in the vicinity.
    They don't occur in the city.

    1. you might be living in the city...

      Thank you-
      A Fox Crossing the Street at Neighborhood Recently - Nature 123
      When drive our car, we saw a fox passing our car at one of our neighborhood corners just few days ago.

  6. Beautiful images!
    I randomly see small foxes during the day near the lake.

  7. Beautiful Fox, I wish everyone can hurt it.

    1. Thank you-
      A Fox Crossing the Street at Neighborhood Recently - Nature 123

  8. Fox is now daring in urban land

  9. There are a lot of foxes in my area. It is a very popular animal.

  10. Interessante postagem estimada amiga.
    As raposas são animais muito belos. Curiosamente, a última vez que vi raposas foi no Zoo.
    Votos de um feliz fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      A Fox Crossing the Street at Neighborhood Recently - Nature 123
      When drive our car, we saw a fox passing our car at one of our neighborhood corners just few days ago.

  11. Interessante postagem estimada amiga.
    As raposas são animais muito belos. Curiosamente, a última vez que vi raposas foi no Zoo.
    Votos de um feliz fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  12. Interessante postagem estimada amiga.
    As raposas são animais muito belos. Curiosamente, a última vez que vi raposas foi no Zoo.
    Votos de um feliz fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  13. A fox is a beautiful animal and also wele social.It is the people who give this animal the wrong image. Beautiful encounter and also your photos are very nice. Greetings from Tine.NL

  14. The fox is a beautiful critter, we see them here around the reservoir.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week.

    1. beautiful and not harmful.....

      Thank you-
      A Fox Crossing the Street at Neighborhood Recently - Nature 123

  15. Unfortunately, foxes are becoming increasingly rare here too. Every now and then we see hares or - I remember - a deer crossing the road at dusk on the edge of town. Of course, we stopped the car immediately so that the animal didn't panic. It's so wonderful that you were able to photograph the fox in the garden. I wonder if it could be dangerous to the cat? Who knows!

    Thanks for sharing with MosaicMonday I'm very happy about it again.

    I wish you and your family a pleasant week, hugs


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