Tuesday, 5 April 2022

How did Alzheimer find out the change in his patient's brain? - Part 2 - Alzheimer's 3

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- How did Alzheimer find out the change in his patient's brain? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 3

Fig 01- Example photo brain tissue by using fluorescence micrograph
(Picture from sciencephoto.com)

Nissl discovered what we have known as Endoplasmic Reticulum. In the past this organelle also called Nissl body.

In the lab that coordinated by Dr. Alzheimer, some sources mention Alzheimer team, including H-G Crcutzfeld and A. Jakob.

Based on their (H-G Crcutzfeld and A. Jakob.) finding, we got understanding about mad cow that also called Jab Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).

The disease caused by eating bad meat or the meat from the cattle that infected by a certain disease.

Fig 02- Crowd of people

Fig 03- Beans, illustration only

Fig 04- Rose in the yard

Fig 05- People in an event, just for illustration

Another a brilliant person who had been worked in the same lab was Frederic Henry Lewey. He discovered Lewy bodies, then we known as Lewy body dementia.

The common clinical manisfestation for with Lewy body are disturbance in thinking, memory and movement (motor control).

Lewy body dementia (LBD) is a kind of dementia which associated with abnormal deposits of a protein (alpha-synuclein) in the brain.

It is the second most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer's disease dementia.

So Dr. Alzheimer found the brain feature of a kind dementia by staining brain tissue of his patient.

# Previous postings:

Friday, 1 April 2022

May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 1 – Health Life 18

As reported by bankmycell (2022) that there are about 6.64 billion smartphones in the world. It is mean around 83.7% people have own smartphones.

Almost every bodies have smartphones.

Fig 01- Tech neck due to look down to mobile phone 
(credit to Dreamtime)

Then, what is relationship between smartphone and health issues or smartphones affect on let’s say aging?

We might know that a lot of factors or combine factors may lead to aging faster. Just for few example are:

- Lack of sleep (normal sleep is 6 to 8 hours a day).
- Smoking
- Drinking
- sunlight
- Sitting more than normal.

Fig 02- Just for illustration

I am quite surprise that mobile phone may cause aging quickly.

Fig 03- Wild flowers, illustration only



Fig 04- A cute sign at neighborhood

Many people use their mobile phone to conduct activities such as:

- Reading and sending messages
- Check their social medias: twitter, face book, blogging
- Internet connecting to search information
- Play game
- Update with news
- Watching TV and Film

If above activities need looking down to mobile phone too long, it would cause what experts call as “tech neck.”

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Lord of the Ducks in the Garden – Part 2 – Nature 18

You may read the previous post (Part 1):

- Lord of the Ducks in the Garden – Part 1 – Nature 18

Fig 01- A couple swimming at lake side

The ducks and geese and their surround area’s views are good objects to take pictures.

We saw couples of white fowls, look like swan from far distance. We don’t know whether they are swan or not.

But, we sure the lake has a lot of kinds of fowls either managed by state park or just wild intruder fowls.

Fig 02- Artists drawing in front of lake

Fig 03- Two Ducks at lake side

Fig 04- A duck at lake side

Some artists are drawing the ducks swimming in the lake with back ground of trees.

I think that they are painting the following objects:

- Ducks
- trees and leaves colors
- lake
- wild birds

The artists look seriously to play with their brushes to catch wonderful objects and scenery, while the “lord of the ducks” are watching from short distance.

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Biscotti and “The Blissful Feast” by Teresa Lust – Part 2 – Reading 9

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- Biscotti and “The Blissful Feast” by Teresa Lust – Part 1 – Reading 9

Fig 01- An Italian food, just for illustration

Italian cookbooks are also easy to find with the great recipes, useful tips, and beautiful photos.

A Blissful Feast: Culinary Adventures in Italy's Piedmont, Maremma, and Le Marche by Teresa Lust, is a beautifully written book about her adventures in Italy.

New cookbooks are sold in almost bookstores, and we may find old edition in the city libraries.

Fig 02- Teresa Lust, a writer, gardener, and cook

Teresa Lust’s grandmother was from Italy, and she grown up in the Italian cultures and Italian cuisines in Washington.

Fig 03- Biscotti recipe photo from “The Blissful Feast”-1

Her palate about her roots of cuisines brought her to a “delicious” journey in Italy.

Fig 04- Biscotti recipe photo from “The Blissful Feast”-2

She stayed with her relatives in the Italian cities of Piedmont, Maremma, and then Le Marche

Fig 05- Just for illustration.

Moreover, she learned about:

- Italian farming
- preparing and cooking
- and serving of Italian foods.

We can find the authentic Italian cuisines in this book and the stories behind those foods.

She also guides us about Italian words and language that used in the Italian culinary and gourmet.

In this page, I share the biscotti recipe (photos) from her book. It is great recipe to try, one batch can make 4 dozen.

# Previous postings:

Monday, 14 March 2022

How did Alzheimer find out the change in his patient's brain? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 3

As you might know that Alzheimer's disease is the kind of dementia that has specific:

- signs

- and symptoms.

Fig 01- Nissl-stained in the brain tissue
(Picture from Neuroscience, Purves, et al)

Based on clinical research a patient who has dementia with Alzheimer's disease, in their brain has accumulation of:

- neurofibrillary tangles
- and amyloid plaques.

This disease got the name after a Germany physician and clinical psychiatrist, and also conducted some research related to brain disorders, Dr Alois Alzheimer.

Fig 02- Hit by car, just for illustration

Fig 03- Wild flower, illustration

Fig 04 – Just for fun

Fig 05- Decorative wood

Dr. Alzheimer was excited about working in the laboratory.

Franz Nissl who discovered a special staining technique became Dr. Alzheimer coworker and then also taught him about staining.

As we know at that time staining in the lab would helped the scientists to discover new finding in the organelles of the human body.

He worked with Nissl for couple years before Nissl moved out for better facility in his research.

However, they kept in touch being the best friend forever.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Corned Beef Harsh - The Popular Breakfast in Louisiana – Part 2 – Food 11

You may read the previous post (Part 1):

- Corned Beef Harsh - The Popular Breakfast in Louisiana – Part 1 – Food 11

Fig 01- Canned corned beef harsh, sold in Walmart

The menu originally came from France to America. Based on googling, the menu is quite popular in the countries such as:

- Britain
- Philippine
- Ireland

Certain section of beef such as brisket (sometimes with navel and muscles) was chopped, usually small rectangular forms.

The diced meats are soaked in a flavor for several days.

Fig 02- Daffodil at backyard, illustration

The corned beef then mixed with chopped of:

- potatoes
- cooked carrot
- onions
- bell peppers
- garlic scallions
- and other spices.

Fig 03- Coffee shop at our city

Then, ready to be cooked, not take long to cook. It is simple breakfast or lunch or dinner in many states across America.

However, in New Orleans, Louisiana, corned beef harsh is very popular menu for breakfast.

There are many restaurants provide corned beef harsh for breakfast. In my town, Baton Rouge, I can find more than 5 restaurants sell this meal.

Corned beef harsh or alternative menu such as smoked slab cost for US$ 10.00. Additional cost if you add eggs or desserts.

Have you tried corned beef harsh?

# Previous postings:

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Lord of the Ducks in the Garden – Part 1 – Nature 18

We have several parks and gardens, and we often visit what we call as LSU lakes park since the lakes have good views.

However, we are just aware recently that there is written and mural of small monument of Lord of the Ducks in the park.

Fig 01- A kind of monument for Lord of the Ducks

The park is one of the Parks which is administered by Baton Rouge municipal. It locates in the Dalrymple Dr, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

There are plenty of ducks and geese in the lakes park.

At the weekend, visitors may come from nearby towns and counties of Louisiana.

Children love to feed ducks and geese, since these critters come around while walking.

Fig 02- Ducks and geese

Fig 03- A lonely duck

Fig 04- Two ducks swimming in dirty part of lake

Kids feed ducks with bread, then ducks fly to come closer. Enjoy and fun to see those ducks.

Some people find good spots such as by sitting under the big trees, they enjoy and feel relax to feed ducks and geese (Canadian geese). Sound like close to nature.

Quite wonder for me that flock of ducks and geese are found especially in the corner of lord of the duck’s monument.

I just guess, it may close to big trees and water. Those fowls feel secure for resting at middle of day

Other ducks are swimming in group on the lake. Look so beautiful.

# Previous postings:

Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48

 Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.  Image 01 - Grape tomatoes and peppe...