Wednesday 24 January 2024

The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119

 The name "four o'clock" is interesting for me. Actually, the flowers have another name that is Marvel of Peru.

Image 01 - Blooming of Yellow Four O'clock Flowers 

Some neighbors said that 4 o'clock flowers are easy to grow and take care, hence good for the first start gardeners.

The name of 4 o'clock refers to flowers open about 4.00 PM or in the afternoon or in the early evening. 

Interestingly, the flowers stay open more than 12 hours when temperature quite lower, then they close again when the heat of sun comes.   

The flowers have several attractive colors, in addition to yellow, other colors are red, pink and white.

Image 02 - Four o'clock plant in the pot. 

# Important posts:

Image 03 - Yellow Jasmine, just illustration.

Four o'clock flowers can be planted by seeds. We may buy the seeds from nursery or garden centers or online at Amazone. 

Image 04 - Yellow flower, illustration.

Seeds could be sown indoor or on the ground. It could take 2 to 3 months to have first flowers.

Image 05 - The indoor plant of four o'clock. 

Do you know about Four o'clock flower?

## Previous postings:


  1. Lovely flowers ! In French their name is "beauties of the night".
    And they are "beauties of the day" that open in the morning...
    Have a nice day !

    1. great to know about this flower in French...

      Thank you-
      The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119
      The name "four o'clock" is interesting for me. Actually, the flowers have another name that is Marvel of Peru.

  2. Muy bonitas, estas flores amarillas de Perú o las cuatro en punto...que tienen su matiz floral en ese momento puntual. Gracias por todo ello.
    Un abrazo

  3. Replies
    1. I think so...

      Thank you-
      The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119

  4. I love four o’clocks!
    They sprout up in my lawn and flower beds along with another type of Mojave Pink.

    1. pretty flower...

      Thank you-
      The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119
      The name "four o'clock" is interesting for me. Actually, the flowers have another name that is Marvel of Peru.

  5. No las conozco, pero para mi ya son míticas arropadas por eso de las Flores de las cuatro. Un abrazo. Carlos

  6. Conosco il fiore della quarta foto, lo avevo nel cortile di casa, ma non mi ricordo il nome.
    I fiori sono tutti belli, danno colore e allegria. Un saluto 😘

    1. Thank you-
      The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119

  7. What a nice post. I also love plants and flowers, but this one is completely unfamiliar to me. Very interesting. I don't know if it can grow in Western Europe, but just looking at it and reading about it is enjoyable.

  8. Muy interesante eso de que abren sus flores a una determinada hora.
    Son preciosas.
    Gracias, un abrazo.

    1. Thank you-
      The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119
      The name "four o'clock" is interesting for me. Actually, the flowers have another name that is Marvel of Peru.

  9. I've never come across these "four o'clock" flowers before, but they are fascinating with their opening routine. Reminds me of nature's own timekeeping.

    Happy Friday🌼

    1. I see ....

      Thank you-
      The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119

  10. I've never heard of four o-clock flowers. They're very pretty

  11. Mais uma excelente partilha aqui trazes, estimada amiga.
    Deixo os meus votos de um bom fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119
      The name "four o'clock" is interesting for me. Actually, the flowers have another name that is Marvel of Peru.

  12. Mais uma excelente partilha aqui trazes, estimada amiga.
    Deixo os meus votos de um bom fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  13. ¡Hola Rainbow! Me ha gustado mucho tu post, gracias por compartirlo.
    Excelente contenido tu Blog.
    Espero que tus días sean siempre coloridos y felices.
    Y desearte un buen fin de semana.
    Un saludo. Blues Hendrix 😊

    1. Thank you-
      The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119

  14. This is an interesting post.

  15. Never heard before of this blooms. These flowers are something special. In general, the color yellow brings so much sunshine to the mind, foreshadowing spring.

    And I am happy about your contribution to

    Greetings from Heidrun

    1. Thank you-
      The Yellow Four O'clock Flowers - Nature 119


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