Sunday 24 March 2024

Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129

We have talked briefly about a fox crossing street at our neighborhood recently at previous posting. 

Image 01 - A fox, sitting on the street.

You may read the previous post:

What our neighbors (common people) wonder that foxes didn't consume pets, then, what their main diets?

Based on internet sources that in their eating habits, foxes are adaptable to consume whatever food is easily accessible. Foxe don't usually eat "meat," they eat berries and variety of bugs.

Image 02 - Wild fruit at neighborhood

# Important posts:

Image 03 - Colorful flowers

Yes, foxes hunt on frogs, worms, insects and small mammals (rodents and rabbits). 

We believe the foxes around our neighborhoods are mothers searching for foods for their kits. Their habitats are disappearing to build houses.

Image 4 - A mother of fox, searching for food,

What do you think?

# Previous postings:



  1. Foxes do get rid off pests for us

  2. Cuidado con ellos, un animal hambriento es un peligro. Un abrazo feliz semana.

    1. Thank you-
      Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129
      We have talked briefly about a fox crossing street at our neighborhood recently at previous posting.

  3. Beautiful fox and picture !
    They are essential but their habitat is shrinking...sadly...
    Have a nice week !

  4. That's interesting. Thought they were carnivores.

  5. A raposa é um animal muito astuto. Espera sempre a sua oportunidade, para as suas necessidades .
    Excelente partilha, estimada amiga.
    Votos de uma feliz semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129
      We have talked briefly about a fox crossing street at our neighborhood recently at previous posting.

  6. I love that you were able to capture a photo of this beautiful fox. I have only ever seen a few in the wild, but have never been able to take a photo in time before they vanish. Also, I didn't realize they had such a varied diet!

  7. Bellissima la foto della volpe!

    1. Thank you-
      Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129

  8. Beautiful capture. I have not seen a fox roaming about in residential areas.

  9. If we encroach on their land, its only about time they do the same

  10. I was a born in a city with mountains nearby, filled with foxes. Im used to them:-) they're sneaky though

  11. I've been having health problems... However, I want to wish you blessed holy days and a very happy Hallelujah Sunday.
    Easter hugs. 🌿🐇🌷💌

    1. you will be getting better...

      Thank you-
      Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129
      We have talked briefly about a fox crossing street at our neighborhood recently at previous posting.

  12. Olá, amiga
    Passando por aqui, para deixar os meus votos de um Feliz Páscoa, com muita saúde e paz!
    Beijinhos, com carinho e amizade.

    Mário Margaride

  13. Non sapevo che le volpi mangiassero bacche e insetti.
    Molto belle le viole, sono tra i miei fiori preferiti.
    Un saluto e buona Pasqua

    1. Thank you-
      Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129

  14. Interesting post, thanks for sharing.

    I wish you a Happy Easter.

  15. .
    Uma Páscoa com saúde e Paz... || Desejo que todos tenhamos uma Santa e Feliz Páscoa, extensivo a todos os nossos, e vossos Familiares e Amigos. Saúde e Paz para todo o Mundo, que bem precisa.||
    Fraterno Abraço

  16. It's cool to learn about what foxes eat and see them in our neighborhoods. Let's remember to protect their homes in nature. Great photos!

    1. we need to protect them.....

      Thank you-
      Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129


  17. Dobra, co z serca do serca płynie
    I dużo pięknej wiosny wokół,
    Niechaj w radości czas ten minie,
    w miłości, która jak co roku
    nadzieję niesie, zieleń, kwiaty
    i słońce co wszystko rozjaśni!
    Niechaj w tym świętym, pięknym czasie,
    nie będzie smutków ani waśni,
    niech tylko dobro w nas rozkwita,
    jak wiosna, co Wielkanoc wita.

    Szczęśliwego, wspaniałego Czasu życzę Ci na te Święta i serdecznie pozdrawiam!

    Happy Easter, dear!

  18. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129
      We have talked briefly about a fox crossing street at our neighborhood recently at previous posting.

  19. Love the pictures. Hope the moms with kits find enough food!

  20. Hello,
    I hope the fox finds enough food for the babies. I was not sure what they ate. Great photos and post. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care and happy Sunday, have a great new week!

    1. hopefully....

      Thank you-
      Is Meat Not a Main Food of Fox? - Nature 129


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